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Sunday, August 28, 2016

Bye Bye to Summer

Hi Everyone!

I haven't posted in for-ever. We've been busy, but not busy as in the interesting type of busy. We've basically been working on cleaning the house and getting the nursery ready. Dillon had to re-do the closet so that took a little time and I've been nesting. I've washed all of the baby's clothes and got her closet organized. I've been working on making freezer meals, proportion sized to what we would actually eat, instead of huge casseroles. Plus, I've made dinner and just doubled the recipe so win-win situation for right now. I'm trying to do a little at a time instead of all in one afternoon.

We also started stockpiling diapers today and what an ordeal that was. I saw that Target had Pampers on sale, buy 2 boxes, on sale and get a $15 gift card. Plus, you could get 10% off today, plus 5% with your RedCard. Alright! So we scoop up a grumpy Luke after his nap and trek out to Target. It's the day before school starts and what a hot mess. The parking lot was full, people were racing inside to buy the latest and greatest and I just wanted some diapers. I picked up a box of size Newborns and size 1's, throw them in the cart and try to get the heck out of there. Getting up to check out was like some kind of race against the clock and maneuvering the cart, my belly and Luke was quite the task. We make it up to the front and the guy doesn't give me my gift card. I explain why I'm buying two boxes and he looks it up in the ad. Apparently I had bought a bigger box of diapers than the one on sale and he just rang up the cheaper one and said to run back and get the right box. I rush to the back before I leave and grab another box of size 1's (because in my stupid brain, I thought the newborn sized weren't on sale)... When we get home, I realize I had picked up an even bigger box of diapers (another box that wasn't on sale) and basically stole 50 diapers. Guess who gets to go back to Target tomorrow and explain that I obviously can't read for the life of me? Ugh.

In other news, Luke is having quite the exciting time. In the past 3 weeks he has moved from a car seat to a booster seat, become pretty much fully potty trained and tomorrow marks his first day in his new pre-school class. He's still in the same school/daycare he's always been in, but he moves up to his final class before he goes on to kindergarten in two years (say what?!) He's very excited to start in his new class and he will be reunited with his friend, Molly, who moved up awhile back. His other close friends are also moving up tomorrow so it's a good day! Today, we celebrated Luke's "big boy" status with a "party" at my mom and dad's. We went swimming, grilled out and had balloons and cake! Luke was more excited about the strawberries than the cake and ate almost 15 of them and didn't even touch the cake. HA!

I go back to the doctor on Tuesday and get another ultrasound since we couldn't see her profile at the beginning of the month. I'm hoping that she's flipped from being breech and that all goes smoothly. I looked at our calendars for the next few months and starting in October every weekend is booked here until the baby comes. I've got several projects to complete before mid-December and the heat is on, so they say. I know that maternity leave is no vacation, but I'm telling you, a screaming baby and not leaving my house for 3 months sounds might nice about right now. We'll see what I'm saying in January.

There were geese on the field out behind school one day, we took this picture for Pappaw to see since he has geese at his house.

Dillon had to go stay in VA in the middle of the week a few weeks ago, so I had a bed buddy. I sent this to Dillon saying he's finally out, ha! Dillon usually does bedtime.

At the river one day, visiting pappaw.

Me at almost 23 weeks. I swear one day, I'll take one of these with make up and my hair done. This is my after Target/after swimming pool look. :-|

Little Lols enjoying the sunshine

Getting into that cake.

My mom and dad are canning tomatoes tomorrow... their bounty!

Luke got a CD of all the songs from Bible School... he LOVES listening to them and my favorite thing is hearing him sing.

Dillon lets Luke help him back up the driveway every day... he's a good driver!

Swimming today at the pool! I'm so proud of the progress he's made since this time last year!! <3

Monday, August 1, 2016

Which will it be... a He or a She?

Dillon and I have had a big day today! Tomorrow marks my 19 week mark and today was the big ultrasound. I had Luke at 38 weeks so I'm feeling like I may be halfway through my pregnancy at this point.

Anyways... today was the ultrasound. We took the day off because it's always nice to enjoy time together and the ultrasounds usually take awhile.We dropped off Luke this morning at school and had some coffee together and then left for the appointment.

Most importantly, the baby is healthy. Growing right on target and the only thing is the baby is breech for right now and the tech wasn't able to see it's profile. So I get to have another ultrasound in a month (darn!) Without further ado...

Introducing: Ms.Charlotte "Charlie" Elizabeth Kestner. This is the name we have picked (for now). Per the usual, we may change our minds, but I do like this name. Like I said before, we didn't get a sweet profile picture of her, but some other good pics. She was pretty quiet and stayed still but she did have her little legs crossed at the ankles and stayed with her back to us for most of the ultrasound.

Her little hands. The doctor and the ultrasound tech both said that open hands are a good sign (and unusual). Babies that have syndromes (like trisomy disorders) will tend to keep their hands clenched so this is good. 

The potty shot! :\ With Luke it was obvious he was a boy and she said she felt certain that this is a girl. 

Her little feet, crossed at the ankles.

Some outtakes and full disclosure. We took the pictures yesterday and did one of a boy and one of a girl. Luke did not want to cooperate so I coerced him with fruit snacks and a Doc McStuffins episode. 


He's said all along it's a sister so I'm glad he's getting his wish. I hope that he loves her and protects her for as long as they're both alive. 

And another reason to take the day off... SHOPPING. I had to buy her some little girl things. I bought head bands for her already! :D

Me at 19 weeks! Halfway there!