Dillon and I have had a big day today! Tomorrow marks my 19 week mark and today was the big ultrasound. I had Luke at 38 weeks so I'm feeling like I may be halfway through my pregnancy at this point.
Anyways... today was the ultrasound. We took the day off because it's always nice to enjoy time together and the ultrasounds usually take awhile.We dropped off Luke this morning at school and had some coffee together and then left for the appointment.
Most importantly, the baby is healthy. Growing right on target and the only thing is the baby is breech for right now and the tech wasn't able to see it's profile. So I get to have another ultrasound in a month (darn!) Without further ado...
Introducing: Ms.Charlotte "Charlie" Elizabeth Kestner. This is the name we have picked (for now). Per the usual, we may change our minds, but I do like this name. Like I said before, we didn't get a sweet profile picture of her, but some other good pics. She was pretty quiet and stayed still but she did have her little legs crossed at the ankles and stayed with her back to us for most of the ultrasound.
Her little hands. The doctor and the ultrasound tech both said that open hands are a good sign (and unusual). Babies that have syndromes (like trisomy disorders) will tend to keep their hands clenched so this is good. |
The potty shot! :\ With Luke it was obvious he was a boy and she said she felt certain that this is a girl. |
Her little feet, crossed at the ankles. |
Some outtakes and full disclosure. We took the pictures yesterday and did one of a boy and one of a girl. Luke did not want to cooperate so I coerced him with fruit snacks and a Doc McStuffins episode. |
Yep... |
He's said all along it's a sister so I'm glad he's getting his wish. I hope that he loves her and protects her for as long as they're both alive. |
And another reason to take the day off... SHOPPING. I had to buy her some little girl things. I bought head bands for her already! :D |
Me at 19 weeks! Halfway there! |
Yay!!! Good news indeed!