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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hello Senor Grumpy Pants.

Oh, my word. Isn't it a little early to be having temper tantrums? According to our pediatrician, it's not. Last week when I took Luke for his 1 year well baby exam, we had a discussion regarding taking the bottle away. I told her about one day when I replaced only 2 ounces of Luke's formula with milk and he flipped out on me. Like, cried so hard he couldn't breathe. I finally just let him sit in the floor crying and went to fix a formula only bottle when I looked to my side and saw him crawling to me (still crying, mind you). He crawled to me, tugged on my pant leg and as soon and I looked down, threw himself on his belly and flailed about. Um, ok? 

Our pediatrician suggested we read "Making the Terrible Twos Terrific." But he's only one?! She said her boys started testing their limits around the same time, too. Maybe she was just telling me that to make me feel better?

Anyways, Luke has been super fussy. I don't know if it's the weaning of the bottle, teeth coming in, a growth spurt or all three on top of each other. Either way, it's distressing. 

We just spent over an hour trying to get him to sleep. We still rock him every night, which we probably shouldn't do, but usually he falls asleep within 10 minutes and then he goes into his crib. Now, he falls asleep and won't let us put him down. I think he must be going through his clingy phase. He didn't want me to leave him in the nursery this morning and church and even clung to me when I dropped him off at daycare. Hopefully it is just a phase because it is exhausting. 

In between his grumpy spells, he is his sweet, happy self. He played a lot this weekend in his water table that was his birthday gift from Dillon and me. We worked on fixing the house up this weekend as everything is still on schedule for the big move. Except now it's been moved up a week. We started packing some things up and our house is a mess. If you stop by this house before we move, please don't judge the major disaster that it is. 

We have 3 weeks to get everything in order. A tight time frame, but it can be done! We are so excited to get into our new home. 

Sleepy Luke... right after waking up.

Pretty picture while grilling out this evening...

Dillon, grill master.

Come here, puppy!

He LOVES his water table. We have to clean it out every day though... it gets so gross.

Grandma came down and helped us out this week while Dillon traveled for work. Unfortunately, she received some of the "Grumpy Luke", but took it in stride. And helped him ride his trike.

I love this picture. I just wish I had cropped it a little better.

Hey, ma, let me see that camera.

Can't sit still...

Checking out his options...

Sunday, April 20, 2014

1st Birthday Party & Easter

I'll begin with the fact that I. Am. Exhausted. And it's not likely that our life will be slowing down anytime soon. Work for both Dillon and I are so crazy at the moment and we have sold our house and have a signed contract on the new house. Next weekend will be spent fixing this and that around the house and beginning to pack up things that we won't need for awhile. May 30th is the touchdown for selling and buying so we have a busy few weeks ahead.

That being said, we have had an awesome weekend! Luke turned one on Friday and I took off work Friday for Good Friday and will be off tomorrow. Luke and I spent his birthday getting ready for his big party. We cleaned a little, relaxed some together and I reminisced about where we were a year ago. It's so hard to comprehend how much Luke has grown in just a year. It's amazing how they change so fast and I think we're both a little sad that it's gone so quickly. Some of our family came to visit Friday evening and then we prepared Saturday for the party.

Around 30 of our friends and family attended Luke's party and we all had such a good time! 12 Bones catered our lunch and we had some good chocolate cake. Luke is not a fan of balloons or the icing on the cake, hence the reason that there are no "cake all over the baby" photos. He literally cried when he stuck his hand in the icing. Oh well, maybe that means we'll have a clean child??? Fingers crossed because I need all the help I can get! 

Today was Easter and we enjoyed a beautiful Cantata at church. This afternoon has been spent trying to find a place for all of Luke's new toys. We are so thankful for our friends and family who shared Luke's birthday with us in one way or another. We are truly blessed and can't wait to see what the next year holds! 

The whole back end of Dillon's sister's car was filled with gifts from Dillon's family. Thank you all! 

Luke checks out the goods before the party.

Luke napped while everyone arrived.

Our neighbor Meg, and her 1 year old son, Abe came down for a bit! Luke and Abe are fast friends...

Ms. Dara was happy to be at the party and so sweet! As always...

Response to icing... :( 

A spoon helps...

The aftermath. Luke and Mama try to straighten all these toys out. 
And if that weren't enough, the Easter bunny came late last night after Luke's party! 

Aunt Kenzie checks out the goods with Luke

We set a timer today after church to capture Luke's cute seersucker outfit for Easter!

Gettin' that camera

Aunt Kenzie takes some awesome shots too! Here Luke is at a desk Dillon's cousin, Terry, refinished. Dillon and Kenzie both had a desk when they were younger. It is now refinished like new and absolutely beautiful! I know Luke will have fun playing on this in the coming years.

Almost ready to walk...

Luke loves the trike from his papaw Eddie

Luke and his Daddy... a special bond. 

Rockin' dad's hat

No more cake!