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Thursday, April 17, 2014

To Luke, On Your First Birthday

Oh, dear Luke. Are you really a year old tomorrow? I find it hard to fathom. In some ways, I find myself thinking that this has been the longest year ever, but in others it has gone by so fast that I worry the rest of my life will now pass this quickly every year. 

And what a year it's been. What did your dad and I ever do before you came along? I don't think we've ever smiled, laughed or been as happy as we have with you. There have been low points, sometimes right on top of each other, but honestly you have shined far brighter in our lives than any of those low points. And now you're turning into a little boy, one who likes mischief and pulling on puppy dog tails. Someone who knows he's getting into trouble, but turns back to us and smiles with that now toothy little grin. I already get glimpses of the person you'll become. As your mama, I feel like I control what you do, when you eat, when you sleep, but then you roar up and show me that you have your own likes and dislikes and that's something your mama can't control. It's hard sometimes to understand that you are you're own person, not an extension of me anymore, even at 1 year old.

You've made a lot of huge leaps this month. You took your first, small, steps on Tuesday. You were holding onto the ottoman and I held my arms open and you took two steps to me. It was amazing. You're talking now, real words! You yell in the back seat on the way to school to talk to your dad. You talk gibberish to us all the time and talk with your hands. 

We thought that you weren't adept at feeding yourself yet, but today at daycare I learned that you must just not like what we're feeding you. Ms. Susan gave you a cookie with icing and you had no issues at all getting that cookie and icing into your mouth! 

Oh, little boy, I love you so much. Your pappaw Eddie told daddy once that we would never understand the love you have for your children until we had our own. Dillon and I, thinking we had all the answers, thought that he was probably right, but only until there was you, did we understand. 

Happy 1st Birthday, little Lucas James. 

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