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Sunday, December 31, 2017

In with 2018, out with 2017

Happy New Year, everyone! We are iced in this evening and while we had no plans to go out, it did dampen Dillon's store run earlier and our friends and family were unable to come over. So right now, we're celebrating by having Charlie in bed and Luke and I are watching Wild Kratts. Not quite as wild as our younger days. Dillon and I *may* stay up until 10:00 or 11:00 listening to records, but I highly doubt we'll make it past then. The high for tomorrow isn't going to reach above 20 so we may be indoors for awhile longer.

2017 has been a pretty good year. The first year with a little one is always a little difficult I feel. I mean it's so, so good, but there are so many stresses included with it. I don't realize how much we actually do in a year until I compile all of our pictures. I think it looks like we're so busy when in reality we just sit at home most of the times. I only document when we're doing fun stuff! 

Last year, I tried not to make too many goals for us. I wanted to make sure that we just kept level and kept moving forward. Having a new baby and working is always a big adjustment so I think we did well! Ha! We made it! And without further ado, my goals for 2018:

1. Be a better mom/wife. 
Have you ever watched American Beauty? There's a scene in it where Kevin Spacey's character asks his estranged wife "What happened to you? You used to be fun." And the camera pans back in time to a young woman, riding some stomach turning ride at the fair, her hair flying in the wind and laughing wildly. The whole movie basically documented just how un-fun she had become. She was a stick in the mud with anal-retentive qualities and I see myself turning into her. The planning and cleaning, constantly worried about the mess in our house making sure that we're all on time. I fuss at the kids to get out the door at a certain time in the mornings because I feel like I'm going to be "late" when I really have no set time I have to be at work. Even when I schedule fun days, I feel like I'm not much fun. I'm fussing at Luke to stay with us and not run off, I roll my eyes when the baby whines because she's out of her routine. I used to be fun, I swear I did.  So my goal is to fuss less. To not be so uptight. When some woman at Papas and Beer is irritated because Luke's in her way messing with his new light up shoes, just laugh it off and not get mad at Luke because that woman's a meanie (not like this happened or  something. Woops).  I need to remember that our kids are kids and they get excited and if someone else doesn't like it then they can shove off. ;) This goal is going to be my hardest. 
2. Celebrate 10 years of marriage with Dillon!
2018 marks 10 years of marriage and 15 years of being together with Dillon. It's also the year that we've spent more of our lives together than apart.  We want to take a trip together around our anniversary just the two of us. This takes a lot of coordination and planning so I'm starting to think of where we may go. We'd like to go back to New Orleans or go to a new city together (New York?) If it's in the cards we may catch a cheap flight somewhere, but if we just end up spending a night or two at Lake Lure, I'm ok with that too. I'd like to just get away with him together at some point. Ha! I have major anxiety about leaving the kids overnight so we'll see how it goes, but I think it would be good! 
3. Work on my photography.
I posted on my photography Facebook page the other day that I want to take at least one picture daily and edit it. I don't know how this will work out and if I'll actually find the time to do it, but maybe if I at least try to do it most days it'll give me good practice. On the days I work, it's all I can do to get everyone fed after work and crawl into bed by 9:00 so I'm going to have to find a reserve of energy to get it done!
4. Finally, emotionally survive Lucas starting Kindergarten (and Charlie going to daycare). 
Yes, ladies and gentleman, Luke turns 5 in April and starts kindergarten in August. What. the. heck? How has it been 5 years since he joined our family? I mentioned something in the car the other day to Dillon about Luke going to school and he said "I really think I could hear your heart breaking from over here." And, man, it's the truth. I'm SO excited for him because I think that he's going to love it, but it also marks a new milestone for him. It starts a time where he branches out more to being with friends than being with family. His social circle with expand immensely and it starts homework and sports and activities. I look at these pictures from just last year and he has grown so much. He converses with us like a grown up now and he's super excited to learn how to read. He can already write his name and the day he gave me a card where he had written "I love you", I thought my heart would break in two. And with him going to school, Charlie starts going to daycare. I'm thinking of starting her sooner because she is so busy right now and I think it would do her good to start when Luke's at the same daycare and can help her adjust, but either way, this year is bringing lots of changes. I'll be honest, I feel anxious about a lot of them. 

So, there it is. My vague plans for the new year. And we all know what God does with our plans, so we'll see where it leads us. We'll ride it like we ride waves and enjoy the trip. I'm looking forward to it no matter what comes our way. 

He looks so tiny here! Our snowstorm in January last year.


Little Lola is slowing down so much. She has a huge growth on her leg and her hind legs give out on her a lot. I don't know what this year will bring for her. :(  But I do know she'll be warm and comfortable and loved.

Luke got to ride a firetruck! 

On a cold, icy night, these warm pictures make me jealous. Christmas is over, I'm ready for spring!

Luke's 4th birthday included a trip to Dollywood! We'll probably take another daycation for his 5th birthday!

We had a nice visit with my Uncle Charles and Aunt Jerri! I hope we get to see them more this year!

Oh man, summer. <3

Freedom at the beach. Maybe we'll go back for a long weekend again.

Our friends' babies have grown so much, too. The pictures show it so much. Sweet Josie.

We saw Dinosaurs in Durham!

Maybe I should add this to my goals, too. Canning! This summer, I'm getting into the kitchen and working on it. I know for sure Dillon wants more of these because he ate all of them!

Richmond in the rain!

And another new baby in the family! <3


Seth let us trick or treat with him!

End of year snow!

First birthday!

When you get what you want for Christmas!

And how we spent our evening tonight! :) I love our family so, so much.

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