I meant to write an update the weekend of July 4th and just got sidetracked. And then last weekend rolled around and I forgot again, so here I am, writing a few weeks later.
We've had some good weeks. The 4th was an enjoyable time at home. We spent some time at the pool in my mom and dad's neighborhood and it was even better than being at the beach. No drive time, no crowds and we always end up just swimming at the pool anyways. The little staycation was pretty nice.
The rest of the weeks we've just been working around the house, getting the nursery ready and cleaning up a little. Dillon's really helped with my tiredness/laziness and has done laundry, cooked dinner, cleaned the kitchen. I'm very thankful. (I took a 2 hour nap this afternoon and could sleep even more, I thought 2nd Trimester brought more energy?)
This week was also Vacation Bible School at the church my mom and dad have been going to. Luke and I attended all 5 days and he LOVED it. I was a little concerned because sometimes he's anxious around new people or new situations, but he did so great. I was so tired and willing to skip a few nights, but he wanted to do every day so we did. I did have to stay in the class with him as he asked me to, but I didn't mind and with 6 or 7 toddlers running around I think more hands was probably appreciated. This morning we went to church there so he could participate in the program and he got to sing the songs we learned this week with his group. We also got a CD with all the VBS songs and it has been on repeat in the car. He also liked going to church there so I may try taking him back to see how it goes. Today was the best church experience we've had in awhile!
We also worked on the baby's nursery this weekend and I just need a few things organized and a few pictures for the wall and I think we'll be ready for that. We do need to fix up the closet as the bar broke off the wall when mom and dad were staying with us. That'll be a nice weekend project for Dillon!
In pregnancy news, I'm 17 weeks on Tuesday. On August 1st, we have our big scan and hopefully find out if this baby is a he or a she. Luke still claims it's a sister but if it's a boy he wants to name it Thomas (after Thomas the Train). We are still no closer on a name. Every name we pick, we say "Oh that's a nice name" and then move on. Nothing really seems to click. Dillon's joked that we'll get a bracket like they use for the March Madness basketball and eliminate names that way. I've started feeling some little kicks, not really consistently, but I looked in Luke's book and it looks like it wasn't until 20 weeks that I was feeling strong kicks from him. I'm eating peaches by the bushel and told Dillon that we may have to name the baby Peach if it's a girl. I still have moments when I don't feel hungry or want to eat, but I've still managed to gain a few pounds.
It's been a good summer so far. Sometimes in the mornings I feel like a touch of fall may be in the air. Maybe it's the rain we've been having, but the air seems clearer. I'm looking forward to the fall. Some of my friends on Facebook like to tease and post that Christmas is only 160some days away or 23 weeks away and it makes me feel a little anxious. There's so much to do and the baby is supposed to come on the 27th! I'm sure we'll have time to get it all done and I'll be ready when the time gets here!
Luke says the back of Dillon's truck his "little house." He crawled up there when we were getting ready to go to the pool! |
Got the wagon. |
Once he's got his swimmies and his sunscreen, he hops right on in. |
So tired. |
This was at 15(?) weeks |
And today at almost 17... |
What I really wanted was to get good pictures of Luke since we were all dressed up, but he refused. |
Last weekend, goofing around. |
Luke's house he built! |
Bible school this week. Luke's friend Arianna went with us and her mama shared some photos! |
Oh my goodness, have you ever tried to wrangle 6 toddlers around. It is ex-hausting. |
But they had fun! |
Luke had a nutritious lunch of nacho cheese the other day. Parents of the year, here. |
Baby K, 2.0's room. I figured yellow and gray is neutral, but I'm afraid I've made it too girly if it's a boy. I guess they won't know any different. Ha! |
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