What a year! I feel like my head may be spinning from how fast it has gone by. 2014 was full of ups and downs, but overall I think it was pretty great! We got a few trips in, moved to a new house, and had fun watching Luke become a tried and true toddler.
I always think that a new year is a good time to look back and see what we've done in the past year, but to also think ahead to things we'd like to accomplish. I'm not one to make "New Year's Resolutions" because I think that they are always destined to fail. By February we tend to forget about those resolutions and fall back into our regular patterns. That being said, I do have some goals that I'd like to at least attempt this year. Who knows if I'll actually accomplish any of this, but only time will tell!
1. Take a vacation
Like a real vacation. A week off from work. Me, Dillon and Luke. Last year, we had some vague plans for a vacation that revolved around a work trip to Florida, but we had a lot of sickness in our house last winter and vacation time was used up quickly. And, then we bought a new house which used up a lot of our money and time, too. So, this year, I want to go somewhere for a week. Dillon and I are up for suggestions on places to go that are kid friendly with a toddler. Of course, we'll take lots of weekend trips, too!
2. Run a 5K
Ok, you can stop laughing now. Seriously. I am really out of shape. Badly. I've never made it back to my pre-baby weight which is really ok, but I'd like to be able to walk up a few flights of stairs without being winded. Since Luke's eating real people food now, we are doing better with less eating out and eating better meals at home, but it would be nice to be more active. I'm not quite sure how to work out a running schedule with our work schedule and having a rambunctious 2 year old, but there has to be a way to do it. I don't want to got to a gym and I don't want to run on a treadmill. I'm thinking about taking Luke in the stroller down to the high school track, but it gets dark at 5:00 now. Anyways, I'll work on it. I've got to put those tennis shoes Dillon got me for my birthday to use somehow. Suggestions on this are welcome, too.
3. Get the house decorated all Southern Living Style-Like
So my house may never look like a Southern Living spread, there are too many Hot Wheels and toy train tracks about, but I'd at least like to get some decorations on the walls and have my screened in porch a place to relax and read a good book with a hot cup of coffee. I've been pinning like mad some ideas for the porch and am going to start looking at antique stores and estate sales for things I'd like to do. I'd also like to get more organized, but this is one of those goals I set every year that never seems to pan out. This also may be the year that Luke's room changes from nursery to big boy room. That should be fun!
4. Financials
I want to pay off some debts we owe and get student loans down, like way down. I've almost got my hospital bills paid off from when I had Luke (2 years later, plus we have good insurance. What's up with that America?) In addition to paying that off, I want to try and pay one extra mortgage payment next year. I've heard that if you do that, you can pay your mortgage off 15 years quicker and that's always a good thing!
Maybe writing these down will help to accomplish our goals. Now that I'm done planning ahead we can take a look back at last year! I hope that everyone has a blessed 2015 with lots of fun and happiness!
Beginning of the 2014 and learning to stand! |
The middle of us all being sick... |
.jpg) |
How we spent the first part of 2014 |
Valentine's Day with my loves! |
1st Birthday Madness! |
Easter! |
Mother's Day |
Father's Day! |
Summer fun |
And learning to walk |
Birthday party with friends! |
6 Years! |
Happy 2015 Everyone! |
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