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Sunday, February 22, 2015

22 Months (And Biltmore!)

Luke turned 22 months old last Wednesday which means I only have two more posts with monthly updates about him. This month has come with lots of changes for Luke, mainly the fact that he has become very verbal. Our meltdowns have slowed down majorly and I feel that it's two things that are working... 1. Discipline. He really hates time outs. He hates to be out of the action, but it helps in removing him from the situation and 2. Luke being able to communicate what he wants. 

It's actually pretty awesome that now he can tell us that he wants a cup of milk or that he wants down or that he wants his trucks and cars. He's also found out how awesome Sesame Street is and Elmo is his new favorite character. I had a stuffed Elmo at my mom and dad's house which Luke now sleeps with every night and hugs every morning. We go back and forth with watching Sesame Street and Thomas. I think I've probably seen every Thomas the Train video and could recite them in my sleep. Luke also has found out how much he loves our dogs. He loves it when they play and chases them around (they obviously do  not like this as much as he does). We've also transitioned out of high chairs and he now sits at the table with us. That was another thing that reduced the meltdowns. The fact that he sits at the table with us and is involved with dinner really helps the situations! 

His second birthday is fast approaching (holy cow!) and I need to get on planning birthday parties. This year we're having two parties, one in Virginia for our family and one at our home for Luke's friends, and some of ours. :)  I can't believe that it's only two months away and it makes me a little sad, although he's so much fun now. He's turned into such a funny, loving child. He loves to jump off furniture and run circles around the house. If only I could have one-tenth of the energy Luke has! 

Today we took a trip over to Biltmore to look at the Downton Abbey dresses that they have on display. It was such a nice day, because we had a break in the weather and there was hardly anyone there. I've never been there before when the crowds were so few and it was so nice. We could walk through the gift shops without being trampled and getting through the house wasn't so bad. It was kind of a dreary day, but it was warm enough for us to be outside and that's all that matters. We upgraded our free tickets to get season passes, so we're looking forward to going back in a few weeks to hike and to see the farm animals at Antler Hill Village.  I hope to get a lot of use out of those passes and to take Luke out on the trails to get his energy out this summer! But we had a great day and after a week of bad weather, I'm so ready for spring. Only a month away! 

This was from last weekend... Luke LOVES looking at the car sales ads in the newspaper. My dad, Dillon and Luke all share a passion for cars. 

On the van! One of Luke's favorite things about today...

Foggy morning

Biltmore :) See how few guests were there this morning?! It was awesome!

In color

The boys

I need to cut my hair. The wet weather makes for lots of frizz.

The only costume we could take a picture of. This one was in the gift shop... I wish I could have photographed them all.

Hints of color in the gray.

One of the employees at Biltmore said today was the typical British day. While I've never been to England, I imagine she's right. 

I'm excited to return in a few months and see how the flowers bloom.

Gotta keep up with this kid.

Another highlight for Luke was playing with his new tractor in the rocks. 

We walked down to the gardens and it took us forever because Luke loved running around. When we decided to leave, we had a major meltdown. 

Running from Dad

We contemplated going to the Antler Hill Village, but he was asleep before we could even drive by the house... 

The bass pond was frozen over! It was beautiful.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Spring Fever

This weather has made me crave spring and summer days. This weekend has been filled with sunshine and warm weather, which we have tried to take advantage of as much as we can. It has been a weekend of catching up on chores and playing outside.

Dillon detailed my car this weekend and I can finally say that I'm not embarrassed to have anyone ride with me anymore. I even washed Luke's car seat cover and cleaned out all the leftover snacks from underneath it. It feels like a brand new car! I've also done about 5 or 6 loads of laundry and put them away. I cleaned the bathrooms for the first time in several weeks and I even cleaned the floors! A clean house and car feels really good. 

This afternoon, we ventured past our backyard to see what lies in the woods behind our house. We had seen people hiking up the hill in the past few weeks and Dillon figured that there has to be a trail back there... and, there is! We found a trail that winds down the hill and leads to a little road that had been made many years ago. It's grown over so it's like a nice flat trail now. We even found a place that we could take tents and sleeping bags down to and maybe camp overnight this summer. Have I mentioned how much I love where we live? It's really nice to have this literally in our own backyard. We don't have to travel to Bent Creek or up the Parkway, we can just walk outside and hike in the woods. 

It was even warm enough this evening that we grilled out. We ate inside, but had a fun time listening to music and cooking food outdoors. The sunset was brilliant and we enjoyed the panoramic mountain views from our back porch. I'm already anticipating our next warm weekend... 

Full moon rising over Candler... 

Starry night

Gettin' that energy out

Dillon making feather sticks 

My boys with walking sticks

Even though it's early... some pretty signs of Spring

Luke not cooperating

My handsome husband

Did I mention how much I love it here?

Chicken for the grill! 

But really... love it.