We got back to work this week and, as usual, the four day week felt almost longer than a regular work week.
We were looking forward to a fun weekend ahead and the Mountain Song Festival on Saturday. I had seen that one of the bands I really enjoy was playing at this event and it promised to be family friendly. I thought it would be fun to go and listen to music. It also touted "lots of food" and "arts and crafts" booths. I bought lawn tickets and thought we could basically picnic while listening to music.
We arrived and it wasn't quite what I thought it would be. The "lawn" seats were outside of a covered amphitheater so it wasn't easy to actually see the band and the acoustics were terrible. We decided to try out one of the four food tents (there wasn't an abundance as I thought it would be) and we paid almost $30 for the measliest barbecue dinner I've ever had. The tipping point was $4 thimble sized ice creams and when they had people standing at the trash containers having to explain why you can't throw away materials that can be recycled. I'm all for sustainability but when you have to employ staff to stand at the recycle bins to explain where you need to put your refuse, it's a little much. Maybe Dillon and I were too grumpy yesterday, but we just weren't feeling it. We stayed for an hour and caught the trolley back to Oskar Blues Brewery where we had parked.
An interesting thing did happen on our way back though... Our nice trolley driver was trying to make it on very tight roads, roads that were made even tighter by people parking illegally so they didn't have to walk further up to the festival. Our driver took a tight corner and *crunch* the trolley hit a car. We thought he had hit a pot hole, but he even got out to look and didn't see any damage. Only until we got to downtown Brevard and the police officer pulled us over and said "You know you hit a car back there!" I felt bad for the trolley driver as he was the nicest man, but the police officer was very nice to him and even let Luke look around his police car.
We tried to salvage the evening by listening to live music at Oskar Blues and just relaxing. It was probably the best part of Saturday.
Today was much better and relaxing. We spent the morning getting groceries and supplies to make a fire truck for Luke's Halloween. Luke had caught me earlier this week researching how to make a firetruck out of a cardboard box and I had promised we would work on it this weekend. Every morning this week, he woke up asking "Build a firetruck today?!" So now we have a red cardboard box with suspenders. Dillon's working on the wheels and hopefully we'll finish it soon!
Dillon took me shopping for my birthday at the outlets this evening and we got some good food at Marcos this evening. We felt much more relaxed and at least we know that next year the Song of the Mountain Festival just isn't for us.
My 30th birthday is coming up Wednesday. I'm looking forward to welcoming my 30's with Luke and Dillon and taking a day off work. Here's to my last weekend of my twenties!
How I felt about the whole ordeal... |
Our view... |
We did see this! |
And a beautiful sunset when we got home. |