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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day 2017

Happy Mother's Day, mamas!

It's been a nice weekend round these parts and we've had a good time being together. I did have to work for awhile yesterday, but it wasn't too bad. I was done by 1:00 and came home to Mother's Day gifts and a household of sleeping children. Dillon took the kids to Lowe's and Target yesterday while I worked and I came home to some herbs to plant, a new blanket for our bed, new pajamas, snacks and wine. What more could I ask for. After the kids woke up we headed to our favorite pho (phavorite pho?) restaurant and we came home and relaxed on the porch.

Dillon gave me the offer to go do anything I wanted to do today, so I decided that we should have our first pool day of 2017. They opened the pool at my mom and dad's complex this week, the weather was going to cooperate and Luke has been looking forward to this for months! So we packed up everything this morning, got all of our suits on and headed over to my mom and dad's. They grilled out some yummy burgers and then we spent the better part of the afternoon swimming. It was the best, relaxing way to spend the day with my family. I looked at our little babies having fun (and Charlie napping) and felt so blessed to be their mom. I'm so glad that I get to have that title and that I get this chance to raise up children.

Here's to all the mom's! I hope you've had a fantastic, relaxing day. I know it's been great here!

pre-swimming bottle!
Luke was so pumped... he couldn't sleep last night and was  a wild man all morning! He's currently sleeping. HA!

Get to the pool!

I also let Charlie try pickles today. She LOVED them! I think it felt good on her teeth that are trying to break through.

Such a handsome boy. 

We got to the pool, we were sunscreening up and then this happened. Charlie and I waited in the wings until she was awake.

Luke, Dillon and Dad continued on without us. ;)  
This was also my Mother's Day gift to myself. A new "mom-bod" friendly swimsuit. Ha!

She woke up and tried out her floaty!

Luke is a little water-rat!

Mom and I with the flowers my dad got her

Charlie photo bombs!

Ma showing Luke her  new fairy houses!

And some out-takes from the past few weeks. Luke got a fish painted on his face at Relay for Life and then compared it to Dillon's co-worker's fish!

Feet grabbin!

I had to work on Thursday night and Dillon was cleaning the kitchen then went to make a bottle and this happened! She was awake by the time I got home. 

Luke said today that baby is his best friend forever. <3

This was last night after helping plant the basil and rosemary. I love him so. 

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