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Thursday, September 14, 2017

9 Months!

Baby Charlie is 9 months old tomorrow! And what a little spitfire she is. When she was born and she was so quiet and easy, I figured that's how she would remain, but not so. This little girl loves being on the move, smiling with her whole face and is not shy about when she doesn't like something. She wants me to hold her constantly and if I'm unable to do so will scream until I pick her up. If she's in her walker, she'll follow me around with her arms held above her head indicating she's done and ready to be held.

We're sticking strong with 6 ounce bottles. She had a growth spurt awhile back and would bump up to 8 ounces but with the introduction of real food she doesn't really care for bottles anymore. We did find a food she doesn't like this month... fish. Which is weird, because she'll gobble up everything else. When we eat, I break off small pieces of our dinner and that's what she eats. I'll feed her pouches of baby food still, but she eats them so fast and wants more so it doesn't really satisfy her.  I'm a little sad about her turning a year old in a few months, but am SO excited to be done with bottles and formula! She's bumped up to 12 month clothes now. They remain a little big, but her 9 month stuff is all summery and our early fall mandates some warmer clothes.

Charlie officially started crawling this month and right as she learned that skill, she started standing and pulling up. She even tried to take a step or two, but her legs just aren't quite sturdy enough yet, but she's on her way. By the time she's 12 months I feel she'll be walking (which is scary). I know with Luke we couldn't wait until he hit these milestones and with her, I want them to take a little longer. The less she's mobile the less she can hurt herself! She's already bumped her head a few times, just because she's moving constantly and I can't be behind her all the time.

We still have NO teeth. I thought for sure last week something was going on because she woke up at 4:30 on Sunday and just whined and cried constantly all day. Dillon stayed with her while I took Luke to church and she just was not a happy camper. Her sleep has been in the pits too, waking constantly at night and only sleeping when I hold her. Tuesday night we did some sleep training and I finally had to have Dillon take over because I couldn't handle it anymore. He was a champ and got her to sleep without being held. PS have I mentioned she'll only go to sleep if it's ME holding her. If Dillon tries to hold her she screams until I come in. While it's nice to be loved SO dang much, it's also frustrating because I'd like to get a shower in every now and then or spend some time with Luke. Oh well, it's only a period in time. This too shall pass.

I love her so. I call her sass and Dillon thinks it's so funny, but it's true. She's got a sweet little heart, but a sassy personality. Hold on to that sweet girl, don't let anyone stand in your way.

Dillon's mom said that Charlie smiles with her whole face and it's true. She'll have a terrible poker face. 

Dillon called me one day while she was napping. I texted him and told him why I couldn't answer, then this happened. I texted back with "just kidding". Ha!

Luke in his dinosaur/monster house shoes! 

A sneak peak of Halloween! 


Dillon's been playing his guitar more (which I LOVE). Luke wants to be just like daddy so he pulled his guitar out too. <3

Scaring daddy at bed time!

Oh, I love him. 

We have a whole bedtime routine which includes Luke getting out of bed no less than 10 times. But it usually includes a hug and a cuddle so I'm ok with it. 

For now, they love each other immensely. I just hope it's always this way.

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