Ok, I'm going to write this blog post NOW, while it's fresh on my mind and not a month from now when I've completely forgotten everything.
The past few weeks have been INSANE. Luke did his Lego camp and soccer camp and I taxied him around to all of his places with the help of my parents. My uncle Bob is here visiting again and preparing his home so we've been trying to spend time with him when we can. And this weekend, we went camping with our friends, the Creggers, at a local campsite (only 5 minutes from our house). We had talked about going down to SC to camp out, but I'm glad we stayed close because 1. it was super, duper hot and 2. we were close enough to home to go and take a nap on Saturday and return back to camp out fun.
All of our kids are at a fun, but very difficult, age. It was fun, but I think we could all agree that we are completely worn out today.
Our VBS starts at church this coming week, so today we spent some time decorating all of our areas. I do think that it's going to be super cute this year and we're looking forward to having a fun time with friends!
One funny (not so funny?) story from today is we had to help Uncle Bob move some furniture in his house so we went up there after we were done decorating for VBS. We all decided to go out to a local Mexican restaurant for dinner and when we got there Charlie was super fussy, saying she wanted to go home. I got her calmed down and our food was delivered and she took about 2 bites of food then promptly threw up all over herself and me. We tried to clean up as best we could and once I got some Motrin in her and a cool bath, she seems to be doing much better. I don't know that I will ever get over having to ride home in my underwear because I had throw up all over me (note to self: please have extra sweats in the car... just in case).
Anyways. I'll be home with Charlie & Luke tomorrow. I'm hoping that she's feeling better before her first day of VBS. After this week, things should be calming down some, at least until we go back to school. I'm sad to see summer wind down, but I think I'll be ready for winter and long naps when it comes.
Ruby came with us for a little bit! It was just really, really hot and I figured she'd be more comfortable at home. |
The Creggers! Soon to be a family of 5! |
Me shuttling Luke around last week. |
We formally adopted Finn the lizard this week. We've enjoyed feeding him salads and giving him baths! |
He also enjoys Game of Thrones. |
And watching 72 Dangerous Animals with Luke! |
Luke got his award at soccer camp! |
We had a TERRIBLE thunderstorm last week and lightning hit trees in the woods behind our yard. That night, both kids came and crawled in bed with us. It was a little rough, but sweet at the same time. |
Her hair. I can't even. So sweet! |