I have really done a poor job keeping up with this blog in 2019. Why does this year just seem to be extra crazy? I hope 2020 calms down just a little.
Luke started back to school a few weeks ago and really seems to enjoy 1st grade so far. We've had a few days of off behavior, but mostly he's doing well! (He had a note sent home for "not being safe." When I asked him what that meant he said he took a run and go onto the bean bag chairs in the reading area. I guess it was just too tempting and I told him I know that HE knows he can't do that. His response? "I know, mama." HA!) He's having a fine mix of packed & hot lunches and he's making new friends and keeping up with the ones from kindergarten. His first field trip is in a few days, so Lord help his teachers that day because I know he'll be a big ball of energy.
The week before he went back to school, he stayed with Dillon's mom and step-dad for a few days. While he was there visiting, Dillon's sister went into early labor. Baby Bodhi was born at around 35 weeks gestation and was doing good until they noticed that his bowels were kinked up. He had to have surgery to remove the blockages and is facing some more surgeries soon and a long, extended stay in the NICU. Since he wasn't supposed to be here until the end of September, we weren't quite sure when we could make it up to see them, but with a 3 day weekend, we decided to go visit now. We left Luke & Charlie with Dillon's mom (again!) and took Dillon's dad to Richmond and to meet his new grandson. Bodhi is doing well, all things considering, and will be having another surgery in about 3 weeks to try and reverse an ostomy. We're all thinking good thoughts that this next surgery is successful.
What else has been happening? I'm not quite sure. Works been crazy. Home life has been crazy and I'm just trying to keep up. I've ordered Charlie's Halloween costume already and am waiting to get Luke's (because I know I can't hide that from him and he will want to be in it CONSTANTLY... and I don't want it ruined before the holiday). Speaking of, I'm already starting to think of Christmas. Ugh. I say it every year, but it seems from the month of September to the end of the year, the race is on. Every weekend is packed, we're always going somewhere or doing something or working (I think I have to work at least 2 weekends in October). It's slipping through my fingers. Oh well... I'll try to keep up here, but I'm afraid my 2019 blog book is going to be short!
Luke & Finn! |
Baby Bodhi's toes! His feet are so big! |
Indie was rocking her sunglasses! |
On our way home from Virginia. Luke was telling Charlie to have a good nap. |
I made some applesauce from some apples that Dillon's daddy got me! |
Luke liked it! |
This is a picture from my ZERO 5K that we had. That morning a skunk wanted to put some disastrous plans on our race and didn't want to leave. This was him. |
Grammy took the kids to Walmart while we were in Richmond! |
First day of school! |