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Saturday, October 19, 2019

Pumpkin Pickin' 2019!

It's our pumpkin pickin' day! Ya'll know this is my favorite day of the year and finally we had a chilly start to the morning. Most of the times when we go, it's at least in the 70's, if not warmer and today was a cool 45! 

We had a great time at the patch getting muddy with our friends and laughing about how hard this all is. We all want to cute pictures, but now our kids are becoming quite their own people. HA! 

Now, all that's left is to carve up the pumpkins and get ready for trick or treating! Following that we're having a thanksgiving weekend in Richmond with Dillon's whole family (which we are super excited for!), actual Thanksgiving here in NC then all the Christmas preparations and Charlie's 3rd birthday! I've got most of the Christmas shopping done for the kids, just a few more things and then it's on to buying for all the adults. I honestly get ready for this 6 months in advance. Ugh. But we're all ready! Here we go! 

This was about the best we could do! HA!