Happy Mother's Day! We've had a busy day/weekend and I would be almost glad to get back to work if the upcoming week wasn't even busier.
Friday, the sweet ladies at Luke's daycare couldn't find his two "good" pacis, which may be a blessing in disguise. The only two that we have left have huge holes in them and Luke hates using them. Because of this, Luke's dropped off using the paci throughout the day this weekend and is only asking for it when he's tired and even then he's not using them, only holding them in his hand. We're hoping that this may be the end of the binky faze, although it's not been easy. (As I write this, Luke is laying in bed asking for a paci...:-/)
Anyways... it may be part of issues we had today while trying to celebrate Mother's Day. Luke was cantankerous and grumpy and spent most of our expensive lunch fussing. Dillon treated me to a new pair of sandals, some Reese's cups and a sweet card, plus lunch at Biltmore! We walked through the gardens this morning and it was already hot outside. Luke did pretty well until lunchtime where he threw a fit because one of us would go to fill up our plate or just the fact that he wanted down. I will say the lunch was super tasty even if we had a fussy fella.
We came back home and I've packed a little for our upcoming beach trip. I should have done more today, but seeing as how it was Mother's Day, I decided to take a little break. This week is super busy, meetings, another Relay for Life, I'm already tired and as much as I don't want to wish time away, I'll be happy when May is over and done. Too much going on!
And I want to wish a Happy Mother's Day to my fantastic mama and all the other ladies out there who have helped raise children into adulthood and taught them the ways of the world. It's not an easy job to say the least and isn't for the faint of heart, but it is fulfilling. I saw a quote online today from C.S. Lewis that said "Children are not a distraction from more important work, they are the most important work." How true and how blessed am I?
Luke was refusing the camera today. |
How we spent a good portion of the day... But, please notice, my new sandals and the pedicure I got with my Mother's Day cash from my mom and dad. :D |
<3 |
A worn out buddy. |
And a happy dad :) |
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