We've had a good 5 days off and I don't think any of us are looking forward to returning to our schedule tomorrow. We've had some nice downtime with no plans in particular.
Luke had off school on Wednesday so I took the day with him and we hung around the house, cleaned a little bit, baked cookies and took lunch to my mom and dad. He was anxious for Dillon to return home, though, because it's always the 3 of us. He didn't realize that Dillon was working a full day.
Thursday we celebrated Thanksgiving with my mom and dad. My mom spent all morning cooking in the kitchen and I didn't have to cook a thing. She made everything from the appetizers to the pie and it was much appreciated. Dad's still having some pain with his knee, but is doing so well. Tomorrow he gets his staples out and then Tuesday is his follow up appointment. He's down to walking with a cane now and we are so pleased with his progress.
Friday, Dillon and I dropped off Luke for a few hours with my mom and dad so we could do the rest of our Christmas shopping. We picked up a few more things and I think I can say now that we are completely done. Or at least I am. No more shopping, no malls, probably no Target or Wal-Mart until after Christmas.
Saturday morning we all woke up early and met my mom and dad at the Moose Cafe. This was dad's first outing since his surgery so it was a pretty big deal! We had a HUGE breakfast and then afterwards, Dillon, Luke and I drove down to the Farmer's Market to pick out our tree. We let Luke decide which tree we got (with limitations. He did want the 15 foot tree, but we had to explain it wouldn't fit in our house). When we got in the car, Luke exclaimed that we had picked out the perfect tree! We spent the majority of the morning cleaning and decorating and after that I was exhausted. Luke has really enjoyed "looking" at the ornaments and all of Dillon's old Star Wars ornaments. Today was catch up with groceries and errands and just getting ready for the week ahead.
So all in all, nothing too exciting. A relaxing few days that we all needed, I think. The downtime does make me a little more anxious. I haven't really had a chance to think about all of the stuff to come in the next few weeks with the baby coming. I think we have everything ready so now the countdown begins. I'm highly uncomfortable which makes me doubly dread going back to work. Honestly, I'm to the point where I just want to sleep all day if I could be comfortable. HA! Tuesday marks 36 weeks so 3 weeks until induction and 2 weeks until the point when Luke came. :-\ Ready or not, it's coming.
The "Before" Spread |
Intriguing online shopping... |
And, yes, this is how Luke ate Thanksgiving dinner. :| |
I was having some issues with the camera... |
And then figured it out! |
HAHA! Such a ham! |
First attempt at hanging the star... |
Our tree isn't fancy, but I sure do love it. The nostalgic ornaments and Luke's handmade ones always make me happy. |
Just about the cutest kid ever. Rotten, but cute. :) |