I knew that October and November would be this way and I don't know if it makes things better or worse. In one way the extreme busy-ness takes my mind off what is coming down the road but I don't know if I would rather just be more relaxed. Anyways, it is what it is and October is done and now we're into November and it's something like 45 day until Baby Charlotte arrives.
Monday evening we took Luke to my mom and dad's neighborhood to trick-or-treat. They had sent out an email to their neighbors saying if you were welcoming trick-or-treaters to your house to turn on your front porch light. We went to several houses and it was a great place to walk around, although I think Luke may have been the only kid who participated. If you're looking for some place to go next year, I'd recommend going there. It was quiet and everyone was happy to share candy. Luke had a great time and loved wearing his costume.
This weekend marked Asheville's first annual Zero Prostate Cancer Awareness 5K, one that our offices have been preparing for since last year. This was the 5K that I traveled to San Antonio for last January and we've been busy getting ready for it since then. If you've ever planned a 5K, you'll know the effort that goes into it and add in the fundraising, it could be a full time job! Thankfully, we had a great team who worked well together and yesterday's event was very successful for a first year race. We had 158 participants and raised around $45,000 with lots of fun activities. It was a fun morning and I was glad that things had run so smoothly, but I was glad to get home yesterday afternoon. We were at the park at 6:30 yesterday morning and I was on my feet for almost 7 hours. I thought I would die before I got home. My back was killing me and Luke and I laid down for a nap as soon as we got home. When I got up from my nap, I could hardly walk. After relaxing some more and an epsom salt bath I felt much better. Today was a little better, but I'm still not sure I'm fully recuperated.
Luke also had his first sleepover at Ma & Peepaw's house on Friday night. We had to get up so early we thought it would be good practice for December to stay with them. He got to stay up late (9:30!) and watch a movie and eat popcorn. Saturday morning, they fixed a huge breakfast for him and then brought him out to the race.
Now that the race is finished I'm in the final stretch before my maternity leave. Everything that I haven't done while getting ready for the 5K is on my plate and I've got about 5 weeks before induction date and have about 25 business days until I'm out. I still haven't sanitized bottles and I bought all kinds of stuff last week that we needed that's scattered about the house. I just now started packing my hospital bag but right now all I have is Charlotte's clothes and a nightgown for me. Add in that we'll be out of town some weekends and have Thanksgiving coming up followed by Christmas celebrations, I'm feeling very unprepared.
But, it will be what it will be. She has a place to sleep and her clothes are at least washed. I'm 33 weeks pregnant on Tuesday. Luke came at 38 weeks and induction is planned for 39 so it's down to the wire. What a crazy whirlwind, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Luke in his super hero cape |
Part of our planning committee, a few of our doctors and a Zero rep! |
The start of the kid's dash with Mr. Moon from the Tourists! Luke is to the far left... |
Going out to trick or treat! |
Ma and peepaw's Halloween basket! |
My mom and dad's sweet neighbors, Dot & Larry. They always say hi to Luke and gave him some extra goodies on Monday. |
arobatics |
Me after the race... I went straight for my pj's. |
Emma poses in good lighting |
The leaves are still pretty here... the view out our back window. |
Lola enjoys the weather |
We were up at 6 AM this morning due to the time change and this is what happens when you wash all your laundry through the week (weeks?) and don't put it away. Ugh. That was a fun task today. Luke at least had fun jumping in it. |
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