Today marks baby Charlie's first month! It's really all gone by in a blur and I can't believe that we've had her for a full month.
She's already grown in leaps and bounds and she's gained weight and her little face is chubbier. Charlotte is an extremely easy baby. When she cries, you know that she is in some sort of distress and we've only had one night where she fussed from 9:00 until 12:00 for no specific reason other than to be fussy. The rest of the time, she eats, is alert for about 30 minutes and then sleeps until her next feeding.
She's already moved out of newborn sleepers and onesies. I kept trying to put her in the sleepers and it got to the point I almost couldn't get her arms into the sleeves because it was stretched too tight. I love the little newborn clothes so this makes me sad. She's also probably ready to move into size one diapers, but we've only got a few newborn ones left, so I'm trying to use the rest of them. At our pediatrician's appointment two weeks ago, she was over 8 lbs, so she's gaining rapidly! I'm honestly sad that this time is going too quickly. Am I the only person that really loves the newborn phase?
Things Charlie likes:
* Her rock n play. I know that they don't recommend babies sleeping in these, but she sleeps SO GOOD in that thing. The one night she was fussing, we popped her in it and she slept. For 6. straight. hours. Dillon wants to put her in there every night, but I'm so paranoid about SIDS and her having a flat head that I'm adamant that she sleeps in her bassinet.
* Being swaddled. We reserve that for night time, but you can swaddle her up and it's automatic bed time.
* Eating 4 ounces at a time. She's quickly moved up to eating a full bottle at every feeding and it looks like I'll have to get out our big bottles soon.
* Her big brother. And Lucas loves her. She'll watch him as he plays around her and when she fusses he'll sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to her and her crying subsides. Luke loves to hold her, help feed her, help bathe her and helps me to clean her bottles and get diapers. The rough attitude from Christmas has subsided and he legitimately loves her.
Things Charlie doesn't like:
* Her car seat. She hates it. She only cries when she first goes in, but it's the angry cry. The cry where she holds her breath and turns red. If I can get her settled, she usually comes around. And she does like car rides, it's just that initial part of getting IN the seat.
* Her pacifier. This one is a love/hate relationship. She'll take a paci, but sometimes I think it irritates her more to try and get it in her mouth. She shakes her head back and forth, but once she figures out what it's supposed to do she seems to take to it.
And really that's all she doesn't like. Not much upsets her. The dogs can bark, the tv can be blaring, and Luke can be running around like crazy and she sleeps straight through it. If she's not sleeping, she just watches it all happen around her.
The first month down, a million more to go. We love her so much and our little family feels so complete with our babies.
I LOVE this little outfit. I wanted to buy it when we first found out she was a girl, but it was so expensive. It was on clearance last month and I scooped it up! |
Luke woke up one morning and the first thing he said was "I want to hold the baby!" :) |
Dillon's mom and step-dad, Russ, came down to visit today. Luke LOVES Russ. They rough house and play the whole time. Here they were sword fighting! |
Grammy gets some sweet baby cuddles! |
Playing Spanish Bingo! |
Luke wanted in on the one month photo shoot |
Baby Sis and Big Bro |
Sweet baby hands |
And ears |
And face... |
And my sweet boy <3 |
The Feavers also came to visit yesterday! Baby B loved Luke's cars and Thomas trains |
A pretty sunrise after the snow storm last week |
Baby Charlie peed all over dad before a bath! HA! |