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Sunday, January 8, 2017

Snow Day!

Luke has been anticipating snow ever since the weather became chillier in the fall. All the Christmas movies we watched portrayed a "White Christmas" and Luke told me several times the week of Christmas that it couldn't be Christmas because it hadn't snowed yet. I tried to explain that some holidays are warm and not snowy, like the one we had.

When the forecast called for snow this week, Luke actually wanted to watch the news because they talked about accumulations and how much snow we would actually get. He was so excited to get some of the white stuff! Saturday morning, the forecast didn't disappoint and we woke up to around 6 inches of snow on the ground. First thing yesterday morning, Luke looked out the window and started begging to go outside and play. This snow storm came with unbearably cold temperatures, so we made him wait until it warmed up some (It was still only 20 degrees).

We bundled him up and Dillon and Luke went up the hill to our neighbors' house to sled down their hill. It was so cold and the playing only lasted for a little while, so they came back and warmed up. After Luke's nap, they headed back out to try and build a snowman, even though the snow isn't really the right type for snowmen. It's just so cold outside, so the playing has to come in increments. The rest of the time, we've all hung out inside, enjoying the beauty of the snow and snacking on good food. Charlie and I have stayed in all day since it's just way to cold for her to go out.

I'm not a big winter fan, so now that we've had our snow I'm ready for spring! I'm down for one good snow and then I'm ready for warmer weather. Today brings much of the same... I'm hoping that maybe we can get out some, at least for a ride somewhere. I'm going stir crazy.

Otherwise, we are well. I've ignored loads of laundry to be folded so that's coming today. We were hoping to get back into our routine this week, but the universe had other plans. Monday there was no school and Tuesday Luke had an epic meltdown when I dropped him off at school. He wanted to stay with me, but the baby had a doctor's appointment and I really needed him to stay at school. He cried and cried when I left and when I drove past the window he sobbed for me to come back. It was unbearable. I called my mom and dad and they went and picked him up from school and once the doctors appointment was over, I went and got him. Dillon and I talked and we aren't sure if that was the right thing to do, but it made us all feel better so whatever.

Wednesday night Luke woke up in the middle of the night and got in bed with us. He complained of his ear hurting, but I thought he did that only so we wouldn't send him back to his bed. I got up for the 2AM feeding and halfway through I heard Dillon consoling Luke and going to the bathroom. I feared the worst and it was confirmed, Luke  had puked all over the bed. My mind immediately went to having the tummy bug and I prepared to bleach the whole house until I remembered Luke complaining of his ear. First thing Thursday morning, Dillon took Luke to the pediatrician's office and the ear infection was confirmed. He's on a round of antibiotics so I think we're on the mend.

Hopefully this week we'll be back to "normal" although it never seems to go that way. Next week is Charlie's first month "birthday". It's hard to believe and I can't believe how much she's already changed from when she was born. It all goes so quick and some days I wish I could just stop time. Here's to a back to normal, snow free week!
How Charlie and I spent the snow day

Luke even got his own snow shovel!

Luke helps me wash bottles

He loves his sissy

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