Wow! 3 months have come and gone since Charlie arrived (actually I'm a day early, but I have to work tomorrow and will be too tired to post then!)
Charlie's growing quite quickly and I can't believe that I'm back to work and that she's a quarter of a year old already. You blink and they change.
She's made some really fun developments this month and has started to notice her hands and feet. Bright patterns interest her greatly and she focuses super hard on these things. She's started to grab a hold of toys on her play mat and her seat and she can even get them to her mouth sometimes. She's very close to rolling over from her back to her front. She swings her legs back and forth like she's practicing for the day when it actually happens! She's wearing 3/6 month clothing and I'd say in a few weeks she'll be in her new 6 month summer wardrobe. I hope there's not too much more cold weather because her 6 month clothes are mainly short sleeves! She's moved up to taking 5-6 ounces of milk now (up from 4 ounces last month) and last week at an impromptu pediatrician's appointment, she weighed a little over 12 pounds! She's growing so well and is such a healthy baby! The only minor issue is she still has some drainage from a clogged tear duct. We're trying warm compresses to try and open it up so that we don't need to see an eye specialist for it.
Things that Charlie likes:
* Being held for nap time. She'll take one nap in the morning in her rock and play and sleeps all night in her bassinet, but she really prefers to be held. I'm typing this now as she sleeps in my arms. I may be spoiling her, but I'm soaking in all the baby cuddles while I can.
* Getting changed. For some reason, when I put her on the changing table to change her diaper, that's when she's happiest. We talk and laugh and she thinks it's the funniest thing. Her little smile is so sweet so I make diaper changes last a little longer.
* Being swaddled. This is quickly coming to an end though. :( It's the best way to get her to sleep but when she starts rolling over we'll have to stop and her feet aren't quite fitting in the swaddle anymore.
* The Ergo carrier. I've been using the Moby and when I use the Ergo, I had to use the infant insert, both carriers used this way are a huge pain. Last weekend we had to run into a store and Charlie was tired of being in her seat so I popped her in the Ergo without the insert and voila. So much easier. Her head control is good so I think we're moving on up to the regular carrier. Since she's a baby that likes to be held these carriers are a life saver.
* Bath time. At first, Charlie wasn't a fan, but now she likes the warm water and to use the water sprayer on the sink like a shower.
Things that Charlie doesn't like:
* The car seat. We're still contentious on this one. She likes it as long as we're moving, but stop for one minute and she's upset. She hates red lights because our car isn't moving!
* Feedings. So this one's a weird one... she'll eat half of her bottle and then she'll get mad. She'll cry and fuss and won't take the bottle. We take a 10 minute break to rest and then she's back to eating. She does this a few times so I'm not sure what's going on. I've tried to change the nipple sizes but that seems to make no difference. Who knows?!
And there you have it! Ms. Charlie at 3 months. She's still an easy baby and we're looking forward to all that comes next!
3 Months old! |
And some outtakes... I was having trouble with my camera settings! |
And these were from the other day... I just didn't like the lighting on them as much. |