Charlie starts daycare tomorrow and I can't decide if I'm happy about that or not. I think it will be good for her to get some socialization in. I think it will be good for her to have some independence and be somewhere that she can roam without getting into anything that can hurt her (all that is at daycare is meant for little ones, while being at home she gets in the garbage/in the cabinets where it's not always safe/in the power plugs (even though they're child proofed). But I'm just a little sad about it, too. I worry that she won't understand why we've left her or that we're coming back. We tested it out today at the nursery at church. Every time we've gone to church, I've put her in the baby carrier and let her nap with us in the sanctuary. The past few times, it didn't really work well and she's fidgety and wants to get down. It's time for her to go to the nursery, really it is. And she did well for the most part, but then she realized we had gone and cried a little and then didn't want to play anymore, but when we picked her up she wasn't crying, so that's good, right?! I'm going back to work this week at 4 days a week (maybe full time in the next few months) so I'll still have one day off. That'll be good for appointments and hopefully cleaning the house because it's SO HARD to clean house with Charlie here. I'm basically just trying to make sure she's safe when we're home, ha! So I'm thinking that daycare isn't bad for her, I just want to get to the point where this is her routine.
I do want to document this just for the sake of remembering this moment. I've always had moms with both boys and girls tell me that sometimes it seems that girls are way sassier than their male counterparts. I always laughed and thought "no way that a girl can compare to the energy of a little boy." But I think we had a glimpse of it this weekend. For some reason, Luke and Charlie have been in a power struggle the past few days. Luke wants to know that he's doing everything better than baby and he wants his toys to remain... "HIS." Charlie has a slight obsession with only drinking milk from Luke's cup, so you can take one guess as to how this goes. Yesterday, Charlie had Luke's cup and Luke grabbed it from her hands. I look over to see this tiny little baby girl with a look of fury on her face, she screams out and shoves her brother who is over twice her size. Of course, Luke just looked at her like "what?" but I'm hoping maybe that sass will give her a strong will. Dillon and I didn't even know what to do, we just looked at each other like "What the heck did we just witness?" Our Charlie girl's not going to be walked all over. HA!
Otherwise we're all good. The ebb and flow of life continues and today at church I got a glimpse that things may get easier. Both kids were in children's church, we were able to sit in quietness and enjoy the service without wrestling a little one. I realized that things change without us even realizing it. At some point, the kids become a little more independent. Luke can run off without worrying where we are and enjoy his friends and his own time. I'm not sure what's worse, the children needing you all the time or the fact that there will come a time and they'll think that they don't need you at all. So for now, I'll try to enjoy the moment. It's a good place to be with my little family.
What? Don't you eat your dinner in your underwear too? |
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