Wow, what a crazy past few weeks! I'm not sure where I ended last, but I think it was somewhere right before Charlie started daycare. It's been two weeks now and I think that she really likes it! Although I knew this would happen... she started school and her non-affected immune system has been bombarded! The tummy bug started going around in her classroom and the first Thursday she was there she started vomiting. And then it spread like wildfire. Dillon caught it Saturday, Luke caught it Monday and I caught it Tuesday morning. I tried my hardest to keep everyone from getting it, but in the end it was futile. I bleached, washed hands, cleaned bathrooms, you name it, but it was to no avail.
Plus, Charlie is teething (she FINALLY has one teensie tiny small tooth coming in on the bottom!), she had a minor fever this week (maybe due to teeth as well) AND she's broken out in a rash. Better to get it out of the way all in one go I guess. I did finally get her one of those amber teething necklaces and I think it may work? She doesn't seem to be nearly as cranky as she has been so either she's feeling better or the necklace works. Whichever it is, I'll take it.
And I'm back to work now four days a week, and man it is rough. I find myself falling asleep on the couch around 8:30. I try to get to work early, so I can leave by 3:30 to get home, get dinner started. Then it's bath time, bed time (times 2) and then it's 8:00. I was trying to practice my photography every day, but with the sickness and exhaustion it's just not happening. I hope once we get our sea legs back, I'll do better. I will say that my Mondays off are pretty nice now. I can get as much done in just one day with the kids at school than I could in two days with them here. I love them both sooo much, but if I ever want a chance at keeping the house semi clean for just a few hours, I need some alone time! Ha! I'm like a mad woman on Mondays cleaning and doing laundry. It's great.
Today was shopping day and my mom and dad went with us to find some Easter clothes for the kids. We've got some new snazzy outfits and shoes to be dressed to the nines on Easter Sunday. I'm hoping that once the weather clears, I can get them dressed up to get some super cute pictures of them. But for now, we'll keep on trucking! We're all keeping our fingers crossed for good health and warm weather.
Post Valentine Chocolate eating... |
We had to take it away because she was sticking the whole thing in her mouth... |
Sweet boy |
How bathtime starts... |
Nice hat... ;) |
How it ends. I just don't know why she doesn't like bathtime. Luke LOVES it andalways has, so this is a mystery to me. |
Our sweet friend Dara celebrated her 6th birthday last week before we all got sick! |
Poor buddy... holding the bowl in case he didn't make it to the bathroom. But for the win, Charlie was the only one who threw up in bed (and that was only once) all the rest of the time we all got to the toilet in time! It's the small things. |
Glad all is better!