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Sunday, July 22, 2018

VBS 2018 and Catching Up

The past few weeks have been fast and furious. I think when I left off we had just started our week of vacation Bible school. If you've never been involved in helping put forth VBS, let me tell you, it is a labor of love and you are usually completely exhausted (exhausted but fulfilled) by the end of it. Chasing little ones, planning for rainy days, keeping kids from kicking each other (ha! true story!), oh and did I mention chasing little ones? Add this in on top of working most days and taking care of your family, by the end of it I felt like I was a walking zombie. I say this, but all in all it was a fabulous week, all the kids had a blast and the people who worked VBS with us are such great folks.

In other news, we're getting ready for some big changes around our house. Our next big adventure is Charlie's eye surgery on Thursday... Well actually before that I have my first mom's night out on Monday with some of my new friends from church and then Wednesday my great Uncle Bob and his daughter Jayne are coming in for a visit. I'm glad they'll be here to help me take my mind off the surgery on Thursday and the kids will be going to school so we can have some undivided attention with them.

Also, Wednesday marks Luke's last day of preschool. This means we're one month out from school starting and my mom and dad will keep him until then. They want to take him school shopping for clothes and swimming and just let him be lazy before he has to start up with a school career. So I guess the eye surgery really isn't our next big thing, ha!

Luke will be with my mom and dad on Wednesday night as we have to be at the surgery center bright and early on Thursday. Charlie's first on the docket to get her surgery done and it should only take 5 minutes if she doesn't need a stent put in place. I know this is simple, but it makes me anxious all the same. I worry about them taking her back from me and her not understanding. It makes me sad to think about.  After that there's prep for school, a trip to Richmond, my ZERO race, school starting, a birthday trip to Biltmore for me and Dillon, a trip to the lake to celebrate my dad's 70th birthday, a trip to Savannah in October to celebrate 10 years of marriage, Thanksgiving and Christmas. I think I list this out every blog post, but I'm obsessively thinking how much I have to get done. I legitimately bought a bulk of my Christmas gifts this week during Prime Day on Amazon. It also means that I've spent too much, but I guess it's better than spending it all at Christmas time.

Another thing that has thrown Dillon and I for a loop is the loss of a little girl at our church. She was in an accident and didn't make it. It has been heart wrenching for us and I know completely devastating for her family that loves her so much. Dillon and I decided to watch a movie last night and we picked "Bad Moms." I heard it was funny, but when we started watching it I realized how much we complain about caring for our children and that it's a drain on our own lives. What whining we do. These babies are our gifts and, yes, sometimes they will drive us crazy, but love them and love them big. They are crazy and passionate and sweet and wild, but our lives are so very fragile. The mom talked in the movie about how she wanted just one quiet breakfast, all alone, and my mind traveled to the mom who lost her whole family this week in the boating accident and how she said her house would be incredibly quiet now without little feet running through it. Enjoy that wild breakfast, embrace the craziness, take on being the loudest house on the block. How selfish are we to not realize what we have?

I try not to post pictures of other people's kids, some people want them shared on social media, but this pic is too cute and it's the only one I'll share. This was our WHOLE wild and crazy group. What a fun time!

Banana cutter extraordinaire.

We had bouncy houses the last day!

Jennalee and I worked together this year on VBS with Ms. Melissa! She's such a sweet lady!

Dillon also sliced his leg open with a piece of glass and Jennalee is a nurse. Even off duty she helped him determine if he needed stitches! HA!

Hey there cutie.
 Glowstick bath!

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