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Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day 2019

Oh, we've had a lovely weekend. Three days at home with super hot weather and it's been the best. Saturday we had our first pool day and it took a few hours for everyone to warm up to it, but eventually the kids were jumping in, feet first! In fact, we spent some more time at the pool this morning.

Most of our weekend was spent outdoors, running around like crazy. When we went to the pool on Saturday, we had a picnic with sandwiches and stayed most of the morning. That afternoon, Dillon pulled out the kiddie pool and the sprinkler and everyone continued playing. It's been so hot here, so cooling off in the water has been nice.

Sunday we went to church in the morning and then went and had a cookout with our friends. Our kids all continued to run around like crazy (they should be worn out this evening, but they're not). Then today we returned to the pool and played some more outside. We also grilled out some yummy ribs and I made some fried squash. We've eaten really well this weekend! 

Next weekend, we venture out on our first camping excursion with the kids. We're going into TN to see the fireflies and we rented a spot at a campground. I'm planning on food and items to take (we spent a ton at Walmart this weekend trying to get ready!) and I'm hoping the kids have fun doing this because I'd like to go on more camping excursions. Since we have the tent (that we got on Prime day last year for a steal) and the sleeping bags, it should be considerably cheaper to camp out! 

Luke has 2 more weeks of school and then he's out for summer and I think he's counting down the days, honestly, I am too. I'm tired of packing lunches and doing homework every evening. HA! I'm looking forward to a slower pace, but I'm sure I'll be ready for him to go back in August. For now, I'm super excited for all the fun things we have planned! 


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