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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

9 Months & RSV

I haven't posted in a long minute, mainly because I haven't been able to pull my head off a pillow. Last Monday, we learned that Luke had RSV, an upper respiratory infection that can be serious in little infants. He had a miserable week with a runny nose, 101 fever, and sleeping all day. Since it is so contagious, we had to keep him home from daycare the whole week. As adults, we are usually exposed to some strands of the virus and it usually ends up being a simple cold for us. Not the case here. Dillon had it last week as well and then around Thursday I started feeling the effects myself. By Saturday, I had aches and chills, fever and could not breathe out my nose at all. Usually around day 5, you start to come around. Luke was pretty much back to normal, but day 5 rolled around for me and I was even more miserable than before. I finally went to urgent care last night and found out I had a severe sinus infection so I got a Z pack and some heavy duty cough syrup to clear out all this mess. I finally feel about 80% today and I'm confident I can get back to work tomorrow. January has not been kind to the Kestner household. Poor Dillon. He's taken care of all of us, cooking cleaning, watching the baby. He's gotten up at 4:30 to go into work and then come back home to get the baby to take to daycare so I can stay home and rest. Even though he's stretched to the limit at work, he still makes time to care for us. I am truly blessed in the husband department. 

In this time, Luke turned 9 months old! Sweet baby was feeling much better by Saturday and Dillon was kind enough to do the photo session this month. :) Luke started legitimately crawling last week while we were home with him. This means he gets into EVERYTHING. He loves going into the kitchen and pulling the dishrags down into the floor. He even got into the dogs' water bowl! He also likes to pull the DVD's off the shelf and throw them into the floor. He had his 9 month check up yesterday and has lost a pound, probably due to being sick. He was very fussy at the doctor's office and she found that the congestion from the RSV has given him his first ear infection, a double ear infection at that. So we're both on antibiotics! He's now pulling up on things and I'd say he will be walking in the blink of an eye. 

Last night, he wasn't feeling well so we pulled him into bed with us. In the middle of the night, he rolled over to me and held my hand. My heart melted and I realized just how blessed we are to be Luke's parents.
In the middle of being sick. These pictures make me sad.

He was so tired he fell asleep in his high chair

Us at the pediatrician yesterday. You know it's bad when people you only talk to occasionally tell you that you look bad and like you don't feel well. :-\

At urgent care last night. I took this picture to send to Dillon... 

Someone found pots and pans!

Feeling better and bath time crazy hair!

9 Months! Dillon said most of the pictures were, "Luke put that down!"

I can't believe in 3 short months we will have a one year old on our hands!  


  1. Hope he feels better soon! He is tooo cute to be sick.

  2. Poor little man! Even sick he looks so sweet. He got lucky in the parent department. Give him some hugs from me!
