We've had quite the eventful weekend and I do believe I'll sleep well tonight.
Luke's daycare is closed on Good Friday and the Monday following Easter so Dillon and I took two days off for a long weekend and headed up to Virginia. We have lots of family up that way and some who aren't able to come down to Asheville to celebrate Luke's birthday so we decided to hold a little birthday party for family there.
Unfortunately, lots of folks were hit with a bad case of bronchitis, keeping them at home and feeling very poorly. We were still able to have a great time, but definitely missed the folks who were unable to come.
Today was Easter and we celebrated by rising early and going to the early service at my mom and dad's church. Luke was so tired from the party, that he slept until after 7:00 and I finally had to wake him up. Of course he slept late on the only day I had to wake up early. We kept Luke with us throughout the service and he did awesome! We did have a time where we had to get up and walk around, but we went back in and he sat quietly. I think that I may start letting him stay until children's church where we go because it seems like he's able to sit still long enough. He loved listening to the music.
We had a great lunch and went and spent some time with Dillon's granny. She is feeling very poorly as she was hit hard with the bronchitis, so we're all praying that she feels much better soon.
We drove back to Asheville this evening and I think it's safe to say Dillon, Luke and myself are all thoroughly exhausted. I am glad that I have tomorrow off to clean up the toy explosion that is our home right now and hopefully clean the house a little more (and get groceries, and laundry, ugh, the list is never ending).
Peepaw (as Luke started calling my dad this weekend) bought Luke TWO pairs of chucks. This pair matches peepaws and he had to wear them all weekend! |
Playing in Pappaw Eddie's back yard at the river. |
There is now a new found obsession with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in our home. Here is Luke yelling "Oh Toodles!" |
He doesn't go quite as high as he did this time last year, but it's still one of his favorite things. |
Birthday boy! |
Taking pictures on Grammy's phone |
Can I just say, being a mama is probably one of the hardest things to do, but my heart just about near explodes at his sweetness and innocence. I can't even put into words how much we all love him. |
Oh yeah, cake and ice cream! |
First Hot Wheels Track |
And lots of cars! Thanks, Uncle Jon! |
And thanks Aunt Glen for the bubble machine! It's a huge hit and we even had a little meltdown this evening because it was too chilly to go outside and blow bubbles. |
More cars from the Easter Bunny! |
Luke took this picture of Peepaw... he was eating and not mad. Ha! |
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