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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Church and the Toddler

All this week, Luke has talked about wanting to go to church. We drove by a church here in Candler and he said he wanted to go. The last time we've been was several months ago at Baby Josie's christening and it went up in flames. Luke couldn't sit still and Dillon ended up carrying a screaming Luke out of the sanctuary and then sitting in the truck for most of the service. I've just honestly been scared to go back in the meantime.

When Luke said that he wanted to go, I gladly said "Ok!" My mom and dad had gone to a church here in Candler, and we said we'd go with them. We talked with Luke about being quiet during the service, and sitting still. We said if he felt like he couldn't sit still, to let us know (quietly) and we'd head out to the truck.

It started off well, he was so excited to go to church, he was excited when my mom and dad pulled up and he loved hearing the bells ring announcing the beginning. But when we walked in, and new people started to talk to him, he immediately told Dillon he wanted to go to the truck. I finally persuaded him to stay by telling him I'd go to the nursery with him and play while the service took place. Not exactly how I planned it. Plus, the toys only entertained him for about 30 minutes and then we went outside to run around in the sunshine. The people at church were so sweet and offered to watch him, but I knew he'd have a fit if I tried to leave him. Ugh. I know that people take their kids to church all the time so I think that we may just be overthinking it and stressing about it too much. Maybe we'll try again next week at our church downtown.

In other news, this weekend has been beautiful. I always love the first warm days that harbor in springtime. We cleaned house and I've done tons of laundry. Dillon did notice some shingles in the yard from the harsh storm we had a week or so ago so we may be looking into a new roof sooner than later. We grilled out this evening for the first time and my mom and dad joined us. My mom and I *may* have almost polished off a whole bottle of wine so our afternoon was especially nice!

Luke is growing in leaps and bounds. His eating habits are becoming a little better (he's at least trying things now). He's also getting an awesome sense of humor and has some pretty good one-liners at times keeping us all in stitches.

We're looking forward to spring and playing outside. The warmer weather gives us all a chance to get outside and away from the tv.  Here's hoping the snow is done and over!

This isn't the best picture, but Dillon's been reading with Luke before bedtime and usually falls asleep with him. I always have to go wake up him to go to bed and saw this the other night. Luke held onto da-da's hand and fell asleep. My heart melted. 

He wouldn't let me pick him up. Too big of a boy!

Playing Legos on the porch

Working puzzles with Peepaw!

And there's that personality! ;)

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