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Monday, September 5, 2016

Labor Day Weekend and a Morning at the Arboretum

We've had a nice 3 day weekend. I really think that if we could work 4 day weeks, I could get so much more accomplished in my personal life with that extra day off.

We've had a good balance this weekend of staying busy and active, but also getting things done around the house. Saturday we spent the day shopping for "back to school" fall clothes and Saturday night I was going stir-crazy so we headed out to a Tourist's baseball game. Luke loves everything about going to see a game from eating alll the junk food to watching the players warm up and start the game. He was even asked at the beginning of the game if he'd like to play some of the games in between the innings, but he made some excuse that he didn't have baseball shoes so he couldn't go on the field. (???) I think he was just a little shy so we said maybe next year he could try it if he wanted to.

Yesterday was grocery shopping and laundry day. We cooked out steaks yesterday evening with my mom and then Luke wanted to wear his new work boots (we bought him a pair of Keen boots, just like Dillon's work boots). He insisted that he had to go out to Daddy's work to get in the dirt. Dillon put Luke's boots on and out they went. We let him stay up late and they didn't even get home until 8:00. Dillon kept texting me asking why we never do that because Luke was having a blast (not so sure how glad Dillon was to be at work when he didn't have to be, Ha!)

Today, we tossed around some ideas of what we could do. We finally landed on going out to the Arboretum because they have their Lego display out and Luke could run and run without us having to make him stay right beside us. I don't think we've been to the Arboretum in almost 3 years, so it was nice and we realized that we should go more often because Luke loved just running. In addition to the Legos, we also saw they have a new train display. They've built a little town with train tracks and every Saturday and Sunday they run the trains. One of Luke's favorite videos is this movie where they just show model trains running so he was VERY excited. We've promised him another trip out there one weekend soon to see the train. They even run Thomas trains, I know, I know, you can barely contain the excitement.

After nap time, we ran out to Luke's daycare so he could practice riding his bike. One of the things he gets to do in his preschool class is have bike day on Thursdays. We had to run out and get a little bike for him because the one he had been gifted had many problems and it was just cheaper to get a new bike. So, Luke is the proud owner of a Marshall (from Paw Patrol) bike. He's still getting the hang of pedaling but we promised him with a little bit of practice he can go super fast soon.

Whew... I'm really sad to see this weekend and this summer go. I love fall though,so I'm really looking forward to all it brings, even with it's extreme busy-ness. Dillon said glumly this evening while we had dinner with my mom that our next long weekend will be Thanksgiving. And while that seems forever away, with all we have going on, I know it will be upon us soon. I'm feeling the stress so I'm trying to make my lists and check them off which I hope will make me feel better. I'll try to keep updating here, but please forgive me if there's an absence... It's about to get crazy! :)

24 Weeks tomorrow! This is a big day as it's viability day and it means that she has a pretty good chance of survival should I go into labor now. I've pretty much held my breath to this day, so fingers crossed it all still goes smoothly until December.

Lookin' for Legos

An acorn!


He rarely takes a serious picture anymore...

First day in preschool!

The check up went well last week and they finally got her profile. She's no longer breech so we should be good to go!

We even caught her yawning. It was so cute on the screen because it didn't look this scary... and you could see her sticking her tongue out. She's a super quiet baby and doesn't kick near as much as Luke did. 

At the baseball game! Luke's shirt was covered with nacho cheese.

Our new obsession is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Luke woke up first thing this morning and wanted us to turn it on. Here he is doing his "turtle moves" on the couch.

Worn out after running at the Arboretum and a plate full of bacon at Moose Cafe.

At Dad's work last night!

A quick video of him riding... I have another, but for some reason it's not uploading... Will try again!

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