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Sunday, September 25, 2016

End of September

This month surely went by quick. We're down now to about 3 months until the new baby arrives and I think we're ready to meet her. I've got a few finishing touches for her room and really now it's just the waiting game. We have two little showers coming up and this was the last weekend that we have no plans until she comes in December. Stress city.

This weekend was nice. We spent some time running around and checked out some of the antique stores in Asheville. We didn't cook once at our house and it has been glorious (although I do need to go straighten up the kitchen right now). Yesterday evening we went out to the family fun night in Fletcher and got free popcorn and saw fireworks. Luke had never seen fireworks before so it was a little scary for him. Dillon ended up taking him to the truck to finish watching because they were too loud.

Today was laundry catch up, grocery shopping day which really eats into the weekend. We cooked out hot dogs with my mom and dad this evening and Luke got to go play in the dirt piles in the new construction next to their house. He was filthy by the end of it and was belly crawling down the dirt mountains. Dillon's currently on the front porch trying to shake the dirt out of Luke's shoes and clothes.

I'm excited for October. It's always one of my favorite months and the mountains come alive with all the different colors. The trees are already in change mode with some yellows and red tinting the trees and I love where we live because we get to see it happen gradually. I'm also excited for some pumpkin picking, hayrides, Halloween and celebrating our 8th anniversary (I had to count on my fingers how long we'd been married)... It's one of my favorite times of year, even if it is one of our busiest.

One of the fun things at the festival last night was "touch a truck." Luke got to ride on a fire truck, a police car, a Caterpillar, and a concrete truck.

He smelled the popcorn so we had to go find it. 

Dillon said he wasn't sure why my phone made these photos look like a 1970 Polaroid, but they did! ha!



Dillon climbed up on the wall and took a picture of my mom and I peaking over their fence watching Luke.

Strong guys!

Pregnancy outtake. I used my birthday money and got my hair cut on Friday. I LOVE the cut and how she fixed it so I went as long as I could without washing it... and made Dillon take my picture, ha!

Almost 27 weeks... only 13 weeks to go until she's here if she stays put until her due date... 11 weeks if she comes as early as Luke did!

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