Whew. What a week. I don't know if it was because it was a full moon or if I'm just not able to go 110% right now, but it was a little rough. Working late several nights and trying to stay caught up with everything else made for one tired me. I didn't cook one night last week and am super thankful for parents who will cook dinner for us a few nights of the week.
My mom and dad also took care of Luke allll day Friday (he stayed home from school to help bake a cake and play with Ma & Peepaw). Then they took care of him that evening so that Dillon could take me out to dinner since I turned 31! I worked on my birthday so I was frazzled and run-down at the end of the week, but a much needed date night with Dillon was much appreciated. He treated me to dinner at Chestnut in downtown Asheville and it was SO good. We tried several plates included the best fried green tomatoes ever. I think that Dillon and I may have felt a little out of place (like we weren't fancy enough ;) ) but we had a great time. It made for a really great birthday. AND, I'm writing my first blog on my new little Chromebook that Dillon got me for my birthday to add pictures and type blogs. I love this little thing, it weighs next to nothing so I can take it with me anywhere. Plus it's better than a touch screen tablet because I have a keyboard and my screen isn't streaky with fingerprints.
We had a good "birthday weekend" too with some pancakes at Ihop for breakfast yesterday morning with Ma and Peepaw to celebrate mine and Peepaw's birthday and some general relaxing and running around. This morning, we had a great time with our friends, the Wyatts, at the fair! We had never been before, so it took us a little time to figure out how it all worked, but once we got it down, it was great! We road the "tram" across the fair to see what was going on below, and then spent some time looking at the animals. We then found the rides and Luke and Dara tore it up. They rode everything that they could (and even some that made me too nervous to watch) and begged to ride more even when we were out of tickets. We had ice cream and then we were all a little broke so we headed out.
Luke is definitely Dillon's child when it comes to riding rides. I'm always super nervous around them and I've never liked roller coasters. Luke loved it though... and even rode a bigger kid roller coaster. I felt like those parents of the Olympic gymnast who kept holding onto the rail while their daughter participated. I held my breath the entire time, but he had no qualms about going. It was really the first time that I realized I have to let him go a little bit and do things that he enjoys even if it scares me. I'm a work in progress...
I'm hoping for a quieter week and hopefully I won't be falling asleep on the couch at 7:00. The house is semi-clean, I've got some meals planned out and other than the gas crisis here in NC, I'm hoping for a more regular schedule.
Haha, Dillon on the tram ride! Up close and personal... |
The Wyatts on the first ride! |
This guy was probably the biggest bull I've ever seen. Plus his nose ring... sweet fella. |
They also had a helicopter and plane. Luke climbed in the helicopter and then jumped out because he said it was about to take off. |
Luke was a gentleman and let Dara go first, he also cheered her on as she climbed up the rope ladder! |
Longest ride ever... the ride operator was super sweet to let them keep going, but I thought Luke was going to climb out or puke on Dara and the other boy on the ride. It all worked out ok though. |
Ice cream break! His shirt was covered before we left. |
Me not watching Luke on the swings and being nervous. |
Me dressed up before dinner on Friday evening. 25.5 weeks pregnant and I feel like I've "popped" over night... I'm officially uncomfortable. |
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