Merry Christmas!
All in all our Christmas has been nice with lots of presents to open and a good lunch of prime rib, roasted carrot salad, hashbrown casserole and coffee and cake. Deeper down it's been a little more difficult.
Life with a 10 day old baby is pretty easy. She's a good sleeper and eater and is pretty relaxed about most things. Sounds don't bother her (which is good because our house is LOUD) and she's content sleeping in our arms or in her rock and play. Luke, though, is having some difficulties adjusting. Our sweet boy is angry with us I think for bringing a baby into our mix and we're at a loss at how to help him cope. He loves the baby and is so good with her and helping, but he's mad at old mom and dad for adding someone to our gang. So, we've all been a little on edge this week trying to get adjusted. I knew that it might be difficult and we would have a time period where things were off kilter, but this. is. hard. Meh. I never would have thought that the preschooler would have been harder to care for than the newborn.
We try to spend devoted time to him, doing things he'd like to do. We've ignored some behaviors and some we just can't, so discipline is in order. Our routine is all over the place with Christmas and no school and even when Luke does go to school, daddy's taking him and not me and aargh. I assume that we'll get a good routine going and then I'll have to go back to work. No one ever promised that parenting would be easy, that's for sure.
Anyways... now that I've thoroughly brought Christmas down, I do realize how truly blessed we are. I know that we will get adjusted and Luke will come around and while I've focused on his negative behavior we've had some really sweet moments together today. The magic of Santa Claus was fantastic this morning. His sweet face lit up when he saw his gifts under the tree and that the milk and cookies were gone from the night before. Polar Express is our new favorite movie and he loves talking about the North Pole and the choo choo train and hot chocolate.
I love both my babies more than anything so I know we'll weather through this time as best we can, just as we always do. Maybe tomorrow we can get out and do something fun. Or we can just play with one of the bajillion toys Luke got today.
I hope that everyone has had a wonderful day filled with love and joy and that 2017 is filled with all things that are good.
pretty flowers from my coworkers |
Dillon's cousin Cory and his wife, Lindsey, were in Asheville for Christmas and so they came for a visit yesterday! |
We spent Christmas Eve at my mom and dad's. |
Peepaw's WV Gnome! |
Back at home, we put out cookies for Santa. We compromised on 4 cookies instead of the whole plate. |
Christmas jammies picture. |
Toys are out! Santa left Pampers for Charlie. |
Coffee. Lots of Coffee. :-\ |
She just couldn't contain her excitement. |
He was really excited about his fire boots! |
New cookie baking sheets! |
Dillon's been wanting a food processor for a long time, Merry Christmas, Dill! |
Charlotte with her gifts :) |
Our roast! |
Charlie's little Christmas outfit |
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