Baby Charlie is two months old today! She weighs a whopping 11.5 pounds and is now comfortably wearing 3 month clothes. Last month she fit into 3 month clothes but I felt they were a little baggy on her and now they fit perfectly. I'd say by next month we'll be moving into 3-6 month clothes. She fits comfortably in a size one diaper, which is good because we still have 3 boxes full of this size. We may have to exchange some of the diapers if she grows out of them this month.
We're still holding steady at 4 ounces of formula at each feeding, sometimes at her last feeding of the day she'll eat 5 ounces, but for the most part we're still stuck at 4 ounces.
Charlie sleeps allll night now consistently. Our routine is quickly turning into one last feeding between 7:00 and 8:00 PM and sleeping until 6:00 or 7:00 the next morning. She does get fussy sometimes around 7:00 in the evening and fusses for no reason, but this doesn't happen every day. I would write down some of the things she doesn't like, but she really doesn't have any. She's very easy going and hardly ever fusses unless she's hungry.
Charlie's likes at 2 months:
* Watching the ceiling fans. You can turn on a fan and place her bassinet or rock n play underneath it and she'll smile and coo at it. She loves to watch it and it calms her instantly.
* Smiling. She started socially smiling about a week and a half ago and is happiest right after her bottle. She's still a pretty serious baby but talking to her makes her smiley all day long.
* Her pink fuzzy blanket. One of the physicians I work with, crocheted a blanket for her out of this yarn that is so soft and fuzzy. You can wrap Charlie up in that blanket and it's immediate snoozing. We use it for everything, too, including a blanket to lay on to wrapping her up for nap time.
* Me. She's not completely attached to me, but she does seem to prefer me to hold her. She'll fuss and be handed to me and will fall right to sleep. Napping in the crib is still not really working for us, so I guess I need to work a little harder for that.
Tomorrow is her 2 month follow up where she'll receive her first round of shots. We'll see how that goes and I'm definitely not looking forward to that. I can't believe that 2 months have passed since her arrival. It does seem that their first year always goes by so quickly, in the blink of an eye and before we know it, it'll be her first birthday.
At one month and two months. She looks like an almost completely different baby! |
Dillon yawning behind us |
Charlie's Valentine's day outfit! |
How crib napping is going :( |
2 month outtakes! |
Lola got in on the action |
Valentine's Day dinner! |