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Friday, April 14, 2017

4 Months!

Baby Charlie is 4 months old tomorrow! I can't believe that we've gone through over 100 days with her here!

She is still so, so sweet and we've survived going back to work. She loves being at my mom and dad's while I'm away and then we always have two good days of the week together.

Charlie's still an easy baby and can pack up and head out usually without any fuss. We always try to feed her first and then do our running around, but if we're out and about she eats easily. She's chunked up nicley and I'm looking forward to seeing all her stats at next week's 4 month check up. She wears 6 month clothes easily now, filling them out nicely.

She's very close to rolling over and only gets stuck on her arm. If she could just push a little harder, she'd be onto her tummy. We have successfully moved on from swaddling with few problems. Most every night this week she's slept unencumbered except for one night she wouldn't sleep (and we don't know why). Dillon wrapped her little arms up and out she went.

I'm also thinking that she might be trying to cut her two bottom teeth. I can't be sure because she constantly sticks her tongue over her bottom gums when I try to look, but I keep thinking that I see little buds coming through. I could be wrong though because I thought Luke was cutting teeth for 9 months and he never got them until his first birthday. She is awful drooly though and is already chewing on anything she can like her Sophie the Giraffe.

Things that Charlotte likes at month 4:

* Playing with the toys in her exesaucer. The first few weeks she was a little wobbly in there, so we propped her up with blankets, but now she seems to have the hang of it and loves to touch the toys and roll the rattles.

* Talking. The girl knows how to talk. She tries so hard to make words and it's just about the sweetest thing. She wants to have a conversation so badly, but I feel certain she'll be there soon!

* Mashed potatoes. Ok. So I know I didn't do this the "right" way, and that she doesn't *have* to have solids until she's 6 months old (even then it's negotiable), but whatever. She's my last baby, let me enjoy her eating "snacks." Anyways... we were having dinner at my mom and dad's one day this week and mashed potatoes were on the menu. Dillon was holding her on his lap and she kept staring at his plate so I told him to put some potatoes on his finger and see if she would eat them. Her eyes lit up when they hit her lips and so Dillon put some on her fist (she's a rabid hand chewer). She went at her little hands like a zombie going after brains! She ate them up and wanted more. I wouldn't give her too much of them because she hasn't had solids yet, but at the next peds appointment if we get the go ahead I may mash up some sweet potatoes for her or some avocados. If she's ready, then I'm ready.

* Sitting in her high chair. I went back and researched when Luke started in his high chair and it was about this time. I pulled the high chair out this week and scrubbed it down. We sat her in it a few nights ago and while she still leans to the side a little bit, she really liked hanging out in it watching me in the kitchen.

I can't believe 4 months has gone by. With Luke, I felt like things took a little longer to happen, but I think it was just because we could focus solely on him. Little Charlie just has to be along for the ride and it makes things go by so much faster. I wish it would slow down just a little bit though, but there's no stopping her growing!

a month apart!

How it works now... catching her rolling over.

The many faces of Charlie Beth

Luke's orange egg. His favorite color!

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