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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

To Luke, On Your 5th Birthday

Dear Lucas (I'll say Lucas instead of Luke because you now tell us that's what you prefer!)

Happy birthday, sweet boy! I've been giving a lot of thought into whether or not the way people arrive in this world is indicative of your personality for your life and I've come to the conclusion that I really think it is. I spent a good 15 hours in labor, five of those pushing, and you didn't budge until you were ready to make your grand entrance. I've learned that everything you do is done in your own due time. From potty training, to taking away bottles and pacis, to cleaning up your room, when you're ready to do it, you're ready, but not a moment sooner. Your dad's that way, too. I take it that it's a character trait you received from him because even when we were just engaged I always thought "Well, at least I know Dillon REALLY wants to marry me because I can't force him to do anything he doesn't want to do." and the same goes for you, little guy.

Your fifth year has brought around some really great changes and you are so fun to be around now! We have conversations and you love to sing Bohemian Rhapsody. Your favorite bands are the Cars and Joe Satriani, but you also like the Police. And you only like music that "Rocks" so you say. You mostly like to listen to records at dinner time and flipping the records is one of your favorite things.

There's not much toddler left in you now. At some point, right after your fourth birthday, you turned a corner. The tempter tantrums slowly dwindled down, you could be reasoned with, and time outs are almost non-existent. You *mostly* follow directions, although sometimes it's still hard to get you to hear me when you're truly focused on something (another trait from your dad, ha!) Your personality is so sweet now, too. You've told me several times that you never want to leave mine and daddy's home and you want to stay with us forever. I try to explain that you may change your mind when you get older, and that's ok, too. We can always remain your home base, buddy, I promise.

You also still sneak into bed with us most nights. And while I know that I should stop it and make you go back to your bed, I also know that the day is coming when you won't crawl into bed with us and I won't wake up to you snuggled against my back, so for now, just keep sneaking in. And while we're on the subject of being sweet, I never knew that an older brother could love his little sister as much as you love Charlie. She's getting to the temperamental age that you were just a few years ago, so we're teaching how to share and be kind. This isn't something that is innate... so when she pushes you or smacks at you for doing something she doesn't like, you just take it in stride. You never get upset with her and you try to teach her how to be nice. I don't know that most older brothers could handle the temper as well as you do.

Oh, buddy. How did we get here? Five quick/long years. You're starting Kindergarten soon and a new phase of independence comes with it. I had a mild panic attack yesterday thinking about you standing in the lunch line, by yourself trying to figure out what you wanted to eat. Out of everything, I'm not sure why that's what I was worried about, but I pictured you, still tiny trying to figure out what you wanted for lunch and it made me sad. This is illogical, I know. You won't be alone, you'll figure out what you want to eat and there will be plenty of adults there to help you, but I think this is almost scarier for me than it is for you.

I pray for you a lot. I pray that you remain kind hearted and innocent, which is hard to do in this society. I also pray that you have teachers in elementary school who see your excitement as potential passions and work with you on guiding you to do great things instead of seeing the exuberance as another task they have to deal with.  I pray that you keep your easy going and friendly demeanor. We went to the playground one day and when we left all the kids shouted out "Bye, Lucas! See you next time!" When we got to the car you told me sadly that you had only made 3 friends that day. I didn't know how to tell you that I haven't made 3 new friends in almost 10 years. Keep on your course, dear Luke. Daddy and I will guide you the best we know how, but I'm so excited to see you grow and develop and how much you will learn in the years to come!

I love you sweet boy.


And just because I've been watching old videos. Some of my favorites of Luke:

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