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Sunday, June 3, 2018

Lice, Lizards, Relay for Life (and Our Plumbing Still Isn't Fixed)

Oh man. Our house feels like it's in shambles. Before any of this plumbing mess ever started, we had signed on with a painter to come in and paint our cabinets and kitchen walls. Of course, it ended up being this week when we had to remove all of our cabinet doors, our drawers are all emptied onto our kitchen table. I can't wait until next week when everything is all back in order.

We did find out what was going on with the plumbing and we have a dip in the line which runs underneath our house. The quote is expensive. Really expensive. So we've received one extra quote and I'll talk to another plumber tomorrow to get their thoughts. Insurance may cover a little bit of it (not the plumbing itself, but they'll cover the cost of tearing up and repairing the floor?) I took off on Friday and at one point during the day, our driveway was so full with contractors, plumbers, painters, there was nowhere else to park.

On top of that. Charlie was sitting on my lap Friday evening and I looked down to see a little bug crawling in her hair. Thank goodness she has light colored hair because who knows how long that would have went on if I didn't see that. I think that we caught it early, and we've treated it, but dang. You all know what that means. Copious amounts of laundry, cleaning everything and head checks constantly.

Ya'll, I'm tired.

In the midst of everything, we've still had fun. I had to work at Relay for Life yesterday and the best part of it is that my family gets to come to work with me. It's really funny because Luke thinks that all of my work is basically doing fun things. He enjoyed doing the bouncy house and slide and we all ate lots of junk food. And today we had lunch with my mom and dad and Luke and Dillon went on a lizard hunt. Luke got to hold his first lizard ever and I'm afraid this means that soon we'll be getting pet lizards. Dillon found his old terrarium at his mom's house a few weeks ago and he quietly put it in the back of his truck and brought it home. I know what this means.  Ha!

Anyways. Everyone is napping now, so I think I'll join them.

Luke also had a little preschool graduation this week. I messed up and left the card for the camera in my computer so all of our pictures were cell phone pics. 
Tearing our kitchen up.

Some of Luke's sweet teachers.

Charlie at Relay. She's a rough and tumble kinda gal.

She ate popcorn off the ground and in turn ate some grass too.

Luke and some of his buds. He loves his friends.

This is one for the baby book. Baby's first lice treatment.

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