It's been another crazy week in our household but we've survived! Now we have to get through Tuesday and we can be on our way to a new normal.
Dillon had a big lab inspection this week, I had the 5K that I've worked on for 8 months now and Tuesday is Kindergarten for Luke! Charlie also had an issue with her eye this week, which always happens when we're at our busiest (not necessarily her eye, but someone seems to always be sick).
So anyways, Dillon did well on his inspection, Charlie's eye has gotten better, my race was successful and I'm sure the first day of school will follow suit. We're just all worn out by this point, though.
We also decided that today was a good day to start making 20 some odd quarts of applesauce. I don't know why, but we did. Well, I guess I do know why... Dillon's daddy has an apple tree in his back yard that has produced an abundance this year. He picked apples for us, but we just have not had a chance to get up there. My dad went up that way yesterday and swung by Eddie's house and picked up probably 3 bushels of apples. I'm halfway through right now. I'll make the other half on Tuesday while the kids are in school. I just can't turn down free apples. And they're good apples. It's old timey apples that aren't the prettiest, but they sure taste good because there's no chemicals on them and the tree has been there for years. So, if you're in need of some applesauce, you know where to get some.
We did do meet the teacher at Luke's school this week. He didn't want his picture taken at all that day so I obliged. His teacher is very sweet though and he didn't want to leave the day that we went. In fact, he's bummed that everyone gets to go tomorrow and he has to wait until Tuesday. They split up the kindergarten classes in our district so the teachers have more time with them on the first day. While the rest of the county starts tomorrow, Luke's name was chosen to come in on Tuesday so we have one more day of summer. I'm kind of glad for that because some students have to go in tomorrow, have a day off then go back on Wednesday. It'll be better to start with a good routine from the start.
I'm tired like the kind of tired that coffee doesn't help. Dillon and I both have off on Tuesday, but I'm not sure what we'll do with a whole day waiting for the kids to come home. If it's one thing I've learned, things change all the time. We just have to keep rolling with it.
Luke had to sign some paperwork for school saying he would follow the rules for his teacher and bus driver. I hope he listens! |
Race day set up! |
Dillon's co-worker, Montana, ran our race! |
So did Seth! |
I also decided to make blueberry pancakes this morning...whyyyyy? |
Oh my goodness, these smell sooo good! |
This was Charlie's eye at the beginning of Wednesday morning... |
And by the time I got her for the eye doctor it was swollen shut. :( |
runners at the race! Almost 300 people were there yesterday! |
Our committee! |
Oh and did I mention Luke's bunk beds came in this week? And he refuses to sleep in it. Dillon said he thinks there's just too much change going on so Luke always goes in to sleep with Charlie when he's ready for bed. I guess it doesn't hurt anything. |
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