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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Quiet Week

Things are slowly reverting back to normal, minus a slight "emergency" with our dog on Tuesday. But even now she seems to be back to normal too. I don't even have any pictures for this post, that's how boring this week has been.

I'm getting into the full swing with my new job, only to have to leave for 12 weeks in April. I'm furiously trying to get everything done before the big arrival date comes!

 It's also started to become very real that in 4 weeks the baby could be here. I would be 36 weeks pregnant by that point, but his little lungs would be fully developed. Of course, it could also be 8 more weeks before he arrives too so there's a little bit of an unnerving surprise mixed in. I've got plenty of things to keep me busy. I haven't packed a hospital bag, my house is mildly cluttered with baby things and not baby things, and I have the energy of a sloth, but I'm progressing! I will say though, that after we returned home last week, I went into full "nesting" mode and washed all of his clothes and organized the nursery. It's the best looking room in the house by far. The rest looks a little, well, um, unkempt I guess.

If you look on, it says that at 32 weeks your baby is the size of a squash (which looks more like a pumpkin...) . And all it says about the baby's progress is that he's probably running out of room in there. Ya think?

I will include one picture on this post... We received an awesome gift in the mail from Dillon's cousin Cory and his wife Lindsey. I received a text from her one day asking which animal I preferred: bear, frog, or sock monkey. I chose the frog, and this is what we received!

We can't wait to dress him up in this and take pictures. He'll be the talk of the town, I'm sure! Thank you guys so much!

I've got errands to run today, so I guess I should be off. Until later...

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