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Sunday, October 28, 2018

Trunk or Treat 2018

We're in the midst of a Halloween-palooza here! Today started off our crazy week with trunk-or-treating at church. We had hayrides, LOTS of candy, hot dogs and a ton of awesome costumes! Luke went as his trusty costume, a hobbit, and Charlie went as...??? Flashdance? An 80's Exercise Instructor? I'm not really sure how to classify it, but it was really funny and super cute. She hated the sweatband we bought for her so that was nixed, and we bribed her to keep the wristbands and leg warmers on. Both she and Luke had waaayyy too much candy tonight, but I guess that's the fun part of Halloween.

Costumes are continued this week at boy scouts, school (for Charlie) and then actual trick-or-treating on Wednesday night. By that point we'll have enough sugar in this house that all of our hair will be standing on end.

These past few weeks have seemed a little long. It's been hard around our house without Emma. That dog annoyed us to pieces when she was alive, but I miss her so much now. I never realized what a roomba she was until she was gone and there are snack pieces left about the house. Lola is so old she can't see crumbs lying around, but Emma was all over it. There's still a very empty place in my heart where she was.

We're back at it this week. Luke has a two hour early release on Wednesday and I'm going in to do parent volunteering that morning, too, so my day off to myself will be cut short. Our house seems to be in shambles, but I guess that's ok.  The laundry is piled up and my bathrooms are nasty. Wednesday may be a whirlwind of me trying to clean. I'm just tired. There doesn't seem to be much downtime lately and it's getting to me. We went on our vacation and came back to things piled up and deadlines to meet and the holidays are around the corner which has me a little frazzled. Oh well... Time to pull up the ole bootstraps and get a move on. No use in complaining. Happy Halloween!

We get about 2 days a year when the weather is perfect and the leaves are changing. I'm glad that one of those mornings was a weekend where we could enjoy it.

She has quite the personality these days!


  1. I know you are tired, most moms have been in your shoes..but enjoy these times. The kids will grow up too fast.

  2. Yes, it's true. I just keep hanging on. Know that we're praying continually for you guys. I know you're having hard times right now and we love you all!
