Heyo! We got snow! A lot of snow... so much that it ate our ruler. Dillon actually lost the ruler in the snow trying to see how much we have. Even though I'm not a winter weather person, I'll have to say that this day was probably one of the best snow days ever.
They were calling for snow earlier this week and Dillon and I watched anxiously. We were supposed to have a date night last night at the Orange Peel, but the poor weather didn't bode well. The Orange Peel of course didn't reschedule or cancel the show so they got our money for our seats which is a bummer. Their manager is supposed to call me about refunding our money, but I highly doubt that ever happens.
Other than that, the weekend was near perfect. We made gingerbread houses, baked, played in the snow, played dominoes, watched movies, had our neighbors over and decorated cookies! I'm good with these days happening about once or twice a year, but otherwise I'm done. It's fun for awhile, but after Christmas I'm ready for warmer weather. Both the daycare and the school system are closed tomorrow. I was going to take off on Thursday to take the kids to the dentist, but now I think I'll just reschedule that appointment for January. I don't know what fool (that would be me) thought it was a good idea to schedule dental appointments in December, but I did. I also need to schedule Charlie's two year check up and I haven't done that either. UGH. It's all going to have to wait until after Christmas, it's just too crazy until then.
Next weekend is Charlie's birthday and we'll celebrate our little girl's second birthday. That's so very hard for me to believe, but time just seems to seep by. I don't really remember the two years that she's been here. It's all been a blur. But we're looking forward to an Elmo/Cookie Monster themed party! I've got my fingers crossed that the weather holds out... they said today that we might have more winter weather next weekend too. Oh well... Here we go!
This picture made me laugh so hard! |
He was so excited! |
I didn't sleep well last night... I kept seeing transformers blow outside our window and our power finally went out at 5:00 this morning. It came back on around 7:00 so we're lucky (my mom and dad have been almost 24 hours without electricity). But I got up super early to try and warm up the house. |
Once it was back on, we made pancakes for breakfast! |
He wanted to go out at 6:30 to play. |
Sbe HATED it. I was so excited because this was going to be the first year I wasn't stuck inside with her. Womp Womp. |
Hannah came over for a bit and some of our other neighbors came up to decorate cookies!! |
Don't judge the hair. It IS a snow day after all! |
We have survived on sugar this week. It's like a bad episode of Elf, living on syrup and candy canes. |
I did go down once with Luke. We almost went over the entire hill! |
A picture before the snow... they really look like they like each other! |
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