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Friday, December 14, 2018

To Charlotte, On Your 2nd Birthday

Dear Charlie,

You are two!

How did that happen? I was talking with daddy the other day and I told him that I honestly don't even remember your first year. It was all a blur, and I'm thinking maybe that's just how time is going now. When we look up you'll be graduating, your brother will be in college and Dillon and I will be on our own again.

If you would have asked me two years ago when you were first born what I thought you would be like it would be nothing like what you are now. I thought you would be quiet and reserved, serious and shy. Nope. You are loud and boisterous, wild and rambunctious, a little rough around the edges.

When we found out we were having a girl I was excited about the prospect that I might have a child that would sit still and eat at the table (I mean that's how all of our other friends' little girls behaved!) But no. If anything you are worse than Luke. You have the attention span of 5 minutes at dinner time and then you're ready to roam, and scream. You still eat really well but it's more of a graze. You're not really great at meal times, but that's ok.

You have the best little personality. We call you our little goblin because you run around the house constantly just growling and throwing things. Honestly, you do. Music is your passion and you love to dance and sing. We can be driving down the road and you just yell "UP" when you want the music to be turned up. You're also very independent and always say "My hold it" which is your way of saying "I want to do it on my own." I have to coerce you to let me help you accomplish tasks because you are always wanting to do it on your own.

You love Elmo and the Wiggles and because your brother is usually in control of the tv you run around the house saying "Elmo, IPad, Elmo, IPad!" Meaning you want to watch Elmo. You've also told everyone this week that you're turning 2 and having "Elmo Party."

You have a lot of nicknames, which is cute. We call you Charlie Beth, Beth (that one's mine), sass, gremlin... You are sassy, so that one is quite fitting.

I'm trying really hard to separate your birthday from Christmas. It's a hard task for a December baby, but I want you to enjoy your day. It was such a special time to have you join our family and I want to make your day special for you, too.

Oh, I love you. I was nervous about having a baby girl because I was so used to having a baby boy, but man, it's been awesome. You love dolls and jewelry and shoes and clothes, but you also love dinosaurs and footballs and running and playing in the mud. When you were first born, I held you on the couch and watched the morning news where they talked about American Girl dolls. I teared up (I blame the hormones)  thinking about all the fun girly stuff we could share. I love having you as my daughter. Not only to share things with, but to challenge me (and you) and to raise a strong willed, hard headed female to take on the world. You are the best, Charlie Beth. Keep on sassin'.

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