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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Weekend Update

The weather has finally turned around and for once, Dillon had an entire weekend without having to work. Instead of relaxing and catching up on baby stuff, we worked on the house and the yard the whole time. In fact, Dillon woke up yesterday at 6:45 and said "I can't sleep anymore, I'm going to start working on stuff." He planted bulbs, mowed the yard, cleaned out the drawers in the kitchen, cleaned up some things and didn't get finished until almost 8:00 last night. I know he's nesting way more than I am. I helped where I could, and then slept on the couch when I couldn't. 

Today we took the dogs to the dog park where they ran and ran. We walked for a good long time as I'm hoping that it'll kick start labor soon (no such luck as of right now, I don't think it works). 

We've done grocery shopping and sat on the back porch. It makes me a little sad that this could be our last weekend, just the two of us, doing our own thing. Don't get me wrong, I'm super excited for the baby to be here and to get everything started, but doesn't it say something about how awesome Dillon is if I'm sad that I have to start sharing my time with  him!? :) 

It seems like a lot of people I know had their babies this week. I LOVE looking at the pictures of the little babies, but it also makes me a wee-bit jealous. I'm getting very anxious to not be pregnant (as you'll see in the pictures below) and to have the little guy here. 

This could be my last post before his arrival, or I could be in this condition for the next 2-3 weeks (ugh). We'll be sure to let everyone know when he's here. I've heard some bets that he'll arrive on the 16th, 18th, 19th, 26th or anywhere around the time of the full moon (which is a few days before my due date). Hopefully it'll be soon! 

At the park

Dog Park!

Makin' new friends

Playing catch


Dillon's quote when he took this picture "Turn to your profile, I want everyone to see how big you are!"

Back Yard

Out of order from the other pics, but we were taking a break.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Dillon is nesting and you are adorable and round! lol Love it! I always love reading your updates!
