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Monday, July 15, 2013

First Day Back!

I survived! Even though Luke was still at home with Dillon (and Kenzie & Taylor) this morning. That made my return to work super easy. Tomorrow may not be quite so easy. First day of daycare. And why is it that everyone thinks that daycare is just awful. I'm sure it is when you've found a nasty daycare, but the ladies who watch the babies at the daycare Luke is going to are really sweet. And I know that they will just love on him all day. I know that it's not ideal... what would be ideal would be for Dillon and I to have so much money that we could stay home with him all the time. Who wouldn't want that? God has honestly blessed me with the job that I have now and I really feel like I can't give that up and make my family struggle to survive on one income. We probably could make it on one paycheck, but it would mean cutting back on a lot of things we enjoy and a lot of opportunities for Lucas. Soooo I'll go back to work. I actually enjoyed being at work today and being busy and challenging my mind. AND I didn't cry! (Ok, today. I cried last night. A lot. Whatever. But I didn't cry today!) 

This past weekend was super awesome, too! Dillon's sister, Mackenzie and her husband, Taylor came down and stayed with us, giving them a good opportunity to hang out with Luke. Kenzie got a camera just like Dillon's for Christmas, so our weekend was spent with both cameras out catching the best pictures. We got to do lots of stuff that as residents of Asheville, we usually don't get to experience. We went on a trolley tour and tried new restaurants. We took in the sights of the Arboretum and we sat on the patio and talked all afternoon. I just want to say that I am so thankful for them. For purely selfish reasons, they made this weekend a lot easier for me than it could have been. If they wouldn't have come to visit, I probably would have sat on the couch and cried all weekend about returning to work. But we got out and saw some awesome things about our town! And I'm glad they got to spend a lot of time with Luke. It's hard having all of our family out of town so we really enjoy when we get together! 

Here's some of my favorite photos from the weekend: 

Taylor reenacts Kenzie falling

What Kenzie does best!  
Taking care of Luke

I love these pictures of Dillon and Kenz... they always have a good time together

Kenzie's a good photographer

Family Photo!

Baby bath! 

Sucking boogies out his nose

She was so sweet to get lots of pictures of the 3 of us

Smilin' Uncle T 
Trolley tour! 

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