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Saturday, July 8, 2017

Baby's First Brewery (AKA The Day I Realized We are Old)

Today we ventured over to the new, New Belgium brewery. And by new, I mean like a year old? I don't know. We had well intentions of checking the place out when it first opened, but I was pregnant, we had a little toddler, life gets in the way. Dillon's office had worked on the site and he had always wanted to go there to check it out so we thought earlier this week that we'd head down there after Luke's nap.

First of all, it started raining right when we left the house. Most of the things we wanted to do at the brewery were outside, like walk by the river and have a beer while Luke ran around playing in the grass. I also realized upon arrival that we are un-cool. Now, let's be honest, Dillon and I have never claimed to be cool in the first place. We recognize our nerdiness, even embracing it. But, man, we are way out of touch these days. I didn't have my wayfarer sunglasses on and Dillon left his fedora at home. Instead, Dillon chased Luke trying to keep him dry and I wore the baby on my chest with the diaper bag strapped to my back. We sulkily drank our beer under the awning next to the boiled peanuts stand, bought Luke a $6 grilled cheese, walked to the actual brewery part and back and called it a a day. It wasn't terrible, but we obviously had "parents" stamped across our forehead. The 20 somethings lazily drank their beers, not minding the rain, with no place to go and no worries at their feet. I felt out of place.

Now, I by no means think I'm old. 31 (going on 32) is still sprightly. I've seen some things, but still have more ahead of me, but it's changed. Even when we were 25 and hitting up the bar I wore shorts and a tee-shirt. Now it's heels and sundresses for girls. Even with a 5 year age difference, I feel a huge gap between generations. Is it because we have kids or is there actually a difference there? While we had conversations, people are now glued to their phones. I don't think I've ever used the term "totes adorbs" in my blog (with good reason) but have heard that phrase out and about and wonder "what the heck?"

Anyways... while we're no spring chickens anymore and we don't hit up the breweries and bars like we used to, I'll take my chicken nugget and wine dinners. I'll embrace the sticky good night hugs and the rocking chair cuddles. The bath time giggles and the crows feet around my eyes. It's a good life we live even if we have to hang our fedoras and loafers up.

Luke's Photography!

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