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Saturday, May 18, 2013

One Month!

I can't believe that it's already been one whole month since Lucas made his arrival. It's still been a little surreal that this baby, our baby, is ours permanently. This month has been pretty amazing. Little sleep, lots of laughs and smiles and sometimes stressful. In this short month, I've already learned lots about being a mom:

1. This stuff is hard - but totally doable. Having a newborn will test your patience in so many ways but it's worth it. When he sneezes three times in a row and then coos right after or cuddles up with me in the early morning after eating, the screaming fit from the night before or the 20 attempts to get him to go to sleep are completely forgotten. I remind myself many times a day that my baby will only be this little once. I find myself imagining him in years to come, not only as a toddler or little boy, but as a man grown up and I get a little sad. I know that time will pass quickly and I'm trying to enjoy every moment of his smallness, even the moments when I want to pull my hair out in frustration because I don't know how to fix his pains. 

2. People over-dramatize EVERYTHING - let me be the first to say that yes, labor is hard and hurts; yes, delivering a baby is not a piece of cake; yes, having a newborn will test the patience of Job, but really and truthfully, it's not THAT bad. To the will-be mamas out there (and possibly myself in the distant future), being in labor is painful, but your body is made to handle it (and trust me, my labor was not the easiest. 16 hours and  5 of that pushing).  When I was pregnant, everyone wanted to tell me about the 10 pound baby and just how awful everything that goes along with it is. The thing about labor is that it is temporary and at the end you have a beautiful little human to show for all your hard work. So, when that same person comes up to you for the umpteenth time and tells you how awful it is, just remember that you will be able to do it and it's completely worth it.

3. Mad props to stay at home moms - I'm working on my 5th week of maternity leave and whenever a glimpse of a thought passes through my mind about returning to work, I tear up.  But, I think when the time comes (after the adjustment of returning) I'll be glad to get back to work. It's so hard to be home with a little one all day with little adult interaction. I am enjoying this time immensely, but I have to get out of the house at least once a day even if it's just to Target right up the hill. I find myself watching out the window for Dillon to return home just to have someone to talk to.  Otherwise, I find myself talking to our dogs. I've heard where a lot of moms won't take their baby's out until they're 4 weeks old because of germs. I was schlepping Luke up to Target at less than a week old because I'm just not good at staying home. Trust me, I've used lots of hand sanitizer and Lysol wipes.

4. Baby bodily functions become the major topic of conversation - Colors of poop, if he's spit up and pee hitting the wall seem to be a big hit. Although it is important, you've got to pay attention to this crap (literally) to make sure he's healthy. Does anyone envision this when you start thinking about having a baby? I know I didn't... but it's part of the territory.

5. If you don't smile and make eye contact with people, they're less likely to try and touch your baby - Everyone loves a sweet, little baby, especially the people at Wal Mart or Target who possibly haven't washed their hands in several days. And, of course, they all want to love on the baby. I've seen people in public who even have signs on their baby's stroller "You can look but don't touch!" Dillon and I went to get the oil changed in my car one day and the baby started fussing. A guy came up to Dillon and asked if he had a fussy baby and instinctively reached out to touch Luke. Dillon snapped back at him "I wouldn't touch him, he's sick." Of course, Luke wasn't sick, I'm not even sure where that came from, but I don't think I'd touch the baby after his over-protective daddy told him to step back. 

  I know that there will be more enlightenment in the months and years to come. Having this little boy has become the highlight of Dillon and mine's life. There was a time about halfway through my pregnancy that I mourned the loss of our "without baby" life. I knew that a huge change was coming our way and it made me a little sad. Now, a month into everything, I can't imagine our life without him. Our "with baby" life is way better and our nights out and concerts are replaced with bottles and diapers, but that's alright with me. 

Flowers from my awesome sister-in-law, Kenzie, for Mother's Day! 


I'm a shark... rawr

1 Month! We're in VA today, so we'll have an update with lots of pictures from our trip!

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